Quality Assurance in Production
When skilled workers are in short supply, any support that simplifies work processes and takes the pressure off employees is welcome. For example, smartDESIGNER allows 3D visualization of the terminal strips or – what’s especially important – the possibility of displaying the circuit and layout diagrams to employees directly, digitally and in a dedicated way.
This means:
- Display workstations can be used in production, and direct processing of incoming data is possible.
- Everyone involved always works from one file – the current one – so (transfer) errors and duplicated efforts can be avoided.
- Thanks to versioning and authorization functions, employees see only the part of the plan that is relevant for them, and at the right time.
- Paper printouts are no longer necessary.
- There is only one point where changes to plans can (and need to) be made, so everyone sees a display of only the correct information,
according to the principle of a “single point of proof.”