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Two Worlds – One Controller

5 February 2019
Open and Easy Automation with WAGO's new PFC200 Controller

The second generation of WAGO's PFC200 Controller is significantly more powerful and has a larger memory. In addition to these features, the new controller masters two worlds: It enables both traditional PLC and open Linux® programming in high-level languages. That's why it's the first choice for customers from both worlds, making programming #openandeasy.

Used as a PLC, the controller can be conveniently programmed with WAGO's e!COCKPIT Engineering Software to significantly reduce development costs. The e!COCKPIT Development Environment supports many fieldbuses and protocols while also providing a comprehensive feature set. The PFC200 comes with an embedded Linux operating system, allowing the controller's base image to be extended or exchanged via open-source packages and the PLC runtime environment to be completely replaced by C/C++ programs.

These features open up a wide range of possibilities for developers, granting them the flexibility to create custom solutions at any time. With the new system update, the PFC200 is Docker-ready and thus future-proof. Docker technology allows software containers to be installed without impacting the basic software. Another highlight: The new controller can be connected to numerous cloud providers and MQTT brokers.

Availability: March 2019

At a Glance:

  • PLC programming with e!COCKPIT 1.5: Convenient engineering process

  • Embedded Linux programming: Linux® controller for open-source applications

  • Docker-ready: Install software containers without impacting the basic software

  • Connect to numerous cloud providers and MQTT brokers: Freely select your MQTT broker and exchange data with different providers

Product Overview

Product Overview

WAGO offers its controllers of the PFC200 series with the new system update "Docker-Ready". Modern software and numerous applications provided by developers worldwide can be used quickly and easily on the PFC200.

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