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Counters are exempt from this; no additional license keys are required for them.</p><p> </p><p>Functions through license activation:</p><ul><li>Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities</li><li>Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location</li><li>Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.)</li><li>Excess charging</li><li>Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID)</li><li>Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber)</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p> </p><p>Compatible WAGO Controllers:</p><p>751-9301: WAGO Compact Controller 100</p><p>752-8303/8000-002: WAGO Edge Controller</p><p>750-821x: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2</p><p>750-821x/000-040: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2; XTR</p><p>8103-2000/000-002: Load Management Controller; Hardware + Software Bundle</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Activate and download license keys:</p><p><a href=\"https://walm.license.wago.com/\">https://walm.license.wago.com/</a></p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-13564966-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMjQ5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdOaEwyZ3dOaTh4TkRVNE5ERTJNREU1TURRNU5DOHhNakJmTVRNMU5qUTVOalpmUkVVdWFuQm58MDBjNDZjZjJmOTVjZGViNjA0N2Y5MmVlZWIyNTJiNTBiMzAzN2VkYmFhOGYxMGZjZjEwZTU4NzZmODA3YTJiNQ" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-13564966-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMzAzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURjM0wyaG1OUzh4TkRVNE5ERTFPVGs1TXpnNE5pOHlNREJmTVRNMU5qUTVOalpmUkVVdWFuQm58YTYzNzIzMWEzOWE2MTUwZDJkMjJjZjFiMzU0YjI4YmYwODdjNzMyMTFjYTBmM2RiNTcxMjYyY2VjMjQzMmExYQ" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-13564966-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDc5NXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFETTNMMmhtTmk4eE5EVTROREUxT1RreU9ETTFNQzgwT0RCZk1UTTFOalE1TmpaZlJFVXVhbkJufGY1MjRkZjJjMGUyZjMxMmFmNDg3OTAyYTE4YThhNDkyNDU1YmY3NTY3MjVkYWI2YWU0N2M1NTgwODE2ODQ0MWU" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Application Load Management; 5 charging points; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Application Load Management", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/application-load-management/p/8101-1001_261-005", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/8101-1001/261-005" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "8101-1001/261-015", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>WAGO Application Load Management is a dynamic load management system for regulating the total charging power at a grid connection point that accounts for the maximum connection capacity. 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Counters are exempt from this; no additional license keys are required for them.</p><p> </p><p>Functions through license activation:</p><ul><li>Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities</li><li>Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location</li><li>Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.)</li><li>Excess charging</li><li>Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID)</li><li>Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber)</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p>Compatible WAGO Controllers:</p><p>751-9301: WAGO Compact Controller 100</p><p>752-8303/8000-002: WAGO Edge Controller</p><p>750-821x: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2</p><p>750-821x/000-040: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2; XTR</p><p>8103-2000/000-002: Load Management Controller; Hardware + Software Bundle</p><p> </p><p>Activate and download license keys:</p><p><a href=\"https://walm.license.wago.com/\">https://walm.license.wago.com/</a></p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-13564972-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMzUxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURWbUwyaGlNUzh4TkRVNE5EWTVNVE01TWpVME1pOHhNakJmTVRNMU5qUTVOekpmUkVVdWFuQm58MTBjZmQxYjY3ZWIzYjFiN2M2MjY3YTMxNTBmMTIwMGM5NWM2YzYzNzIyNTIwOWQzMmJiODJmN2JiZWE1MmU1Mw" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-13564972-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMzk3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdWaUwyZzVZaTh4TkRVNE5ERTJOamt3Tnprek5DOHlNREJmTVRNMU5qUTVOekpmUkVVdWFuQm58Y2JhMWJhNTUxMmU3YzgzYTQxOWVmZDRmNjdhZWY2YmU0MWI1NTU0ZjI0MjYyYTljMDI4MzlhNGFlZjgzOGJmNg" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-13564972-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNTQwNnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHVmxMMmc1T0M4eE5EVTROREUyTmpnME1qTTVPQzgwT0RCZk1UTTFOalE1TnpKZlJFVXVhbkJufDc2MjIzZDg4MTQ2ZDBjZDYzYjgzZDkzMzNkNTg4NGIwY2MxODM3NWNlODBjZWRjYjQyNzkxMjFiZWFiZjhjOTQ" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Application Load Management; 15 charging points; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Application Load Management", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/application-load-management/p/8101-1001_261-015", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/8101-1001/261-015" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "8101-1001/261-001", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>WAGO Application Load Management is a dynamic load management system for regulating the total charging power at a grid connection point that accounts for the maximum connection capacity. 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Counters are exempt from this; no additional license keys are required for them.</p><p> </p><p>Functions through license activation:</p><ul><li>Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities</li><li>Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location</li><li>Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.)</li><li>Excess charging</li><li>Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID)</li><li>Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber)</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p>Compatible WAGO Controllers:</p><p>751-9301: WAGO Compact Controller 100</p><p>752-8303/8000-002: WAGO Edge Controller</p><p>750-821x: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2</p><p>750-821x/000-040: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2; XTR</p><p>8103-2000/000-002: Load Management Controller; Hardware + Software Bundle</p><p> </p><p>Activate and download license keys:</p><p><a href=\"https://walm.license.wago.com/\">https://walm.license.wago.com/</a></p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-13564956-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMTkwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdFMEwyZ3lOUzh4TkRVNE5ERTFOelEzTURjMU1DOHhNakJmTVRNMU5qUTVOVFpmUkVVdWFuQm58Y2Y1MWFjNmI3YmFiOWI3ZDQ4YTIwZTcwNTYyMzA5Y2ZkMTNjMTZjNTZlZWI3MTY0ZDllYmQzMDY1ZTkzMzdlMw" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-13564956-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMjgyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdRMEwyZ3haUzh4TkRVNE5ERTFOekkzTkRFME1pOHlNREJmTVRNMU5qUTVOVFpmUkVVdWFuQm58NTUyZDI1MDI5MTNmMmIxMmU0ODA0YTAzMjYzM2JlODFkNjc1ODZjMWJhZGFmNThmOWIwMmQyNzUxZGU5Yzg4MQ" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-13564956-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDM5OXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFERXlMMmd4WlM4eE5EVTROREUxTnpJd09EWXdOaTgwT0RCZk1UTTFOalE1TlRaZlJFVXVhbkJufDc1NGMxMzc4OGY3NDUxZjIyZTU5N2UwZGQyYzE3ZDRiYTcxMzA2ZWIyNjU0MDg5ODY4MzIyYjE3ZWE5YzU0NDg" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Application Load Management; 1 charging point; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Application Load Management", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/application-load-management/p/8101-1001_261-001", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/8101-1001/261-001" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "8101-1001/261-030", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>WAGO Application Load Management is a dynamic load management system for regulating the total charging power at a grid connection point that accounts for the maximum connection capacity. 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Counters are exempt from this; no additional license keys are required for them.</p><p> </p><p>Functions through license activation:</p><ul><li>Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities</li><li>Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location</li><li>Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.)</li><li>Excess charging</li><li>Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID)</li><li>Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber)</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p>Compatible WAGO Controllers:</p><p>751-9301: WAGO Compact Controller 100</p><p>752-8303/8000-002: WAGO Edge Controller</p><p>750-821x: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2</p><p>750-821x/040-000: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2; XTR</p><p> </p><p>Software download: <a href=\"www.wago.com/walm-software\">www.wago.com/walm-software</a></p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-14465174-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyODM5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURjNEwyZ3dPQzh4TkRjNE16azNPVEV5TmpneE5DOHhNakJmTVRRME5qVXhOelJmUkVVdWFuQm58N2Q0ZjllNDgwNDBjZDkwMDVmNmQ3NmVmNzczYjlkYmMxOTg1ZjY2MGEwNTY1ZWU2YjY2YTRmODhjM2Q5M2MwMQ" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-14465174-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNTk1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdZd0wyZzBOUzh4TkRjNE16azNPRGt6TURJd05pOHlNREJmTVRRME5qVXhOelJmUkVVdWFuQm58ODM1NWUzMWFjN2VhMGNkNWM0NzUzOTY4NDIwM2QxNjc1N2Y5MjY1ZDlkYTEyOTk2N2MyZTc4NzJkODQyMWU2Mw" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-14465174-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMTQ4MXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEQXhMMmcwT1M4eE5EYzRNemszT0RnMk5EWTNNQzgwT0RCZk1UUTBOalV4TnpSZlJFVXVhbkJufDhmMWM0MmI4ZDAzNTY3ZGRkMWYyYmRhZjAwYWI5MmUxMDg0ODBlODdiNWVlZjU3YWFlY2E0MmU0YWMyNzlkN2Y" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Application Load Management; Basic Software; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Application Load Management", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/application-load-management/p/8101-200_261-1000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/8101-200/261-1000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Controller", "Software" ], "code" : "8103-2000/000-002", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>The WAGO Load Management Controller, with the pre-installed WAGO Application Load Management, is a dynamic load management system for regulating the total charging power at a grid connection point that accounts for the maximum connection capacity. This solution prevents grid connection expansion and eliminates peak loads caused by EV charging.</p><p> </p><p>One license key is required per individual charging point. After receipt, the license key can be uploaded in the “Configuration” tab. This enables a charging point with dynamic load management. Counters are exempt from this; no additional license keys are required for them.</p><p> </p><p>Functions through license activation:</p><ul><li>Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities</li><li>Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location</li><li>Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.)</li><li>Excess charging</li><li>Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID)</li><li>Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber)</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p>Compatible licenses (charging points):</p><p>8101-2000/000-021 WAGO Application Load Management; 01 charging point</p><p>8101-2000/000-022 WAGO Application Load Management; 05 charging points</p><p>8101-2000/000-023 WAGO Application Load Management; 15 charging points</p><p>8101-2000/000-024 WAGO Application Load Management; 30 charging points</p><p> </p><p>Activate and download license keys:</p><p><a href=\"https://walm.license.wago.com\">https://walm.license.wago.com</a></p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-11118703-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0NzYwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUROakwyZzNaaTh4TkRZeU5qRXlPVGsyT1RFNE1pOHhNakJmTVRFeE1UZzNNRE5mUkVVdWFuQm58ZWRkZDk3MTUzOTY5YjZiYjNkOWQwZTE3NzBmNjA0OWJjMmRkYzBkOTE5NDhhYjVhNzhiMjcwMzYxY2MwZGU2NA" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-11118703-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0NDYxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdaaEwyZzROUzh4TkRZeU5qRXlPVGMzTWpVM05DOHlNREJmTVRFeE1UZzNNRE5mUkVVdWFuQm58NjM3NzlkOTczN2NjNWZjZjlkMGUzNjY1ZjBjYThiNTJlZDUxOWFjNjZkN2RiMGQ4NDA2Yzg2NGY3OWMyMDMwNQ" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-11118703-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNjAzMnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHSmlMMmc0Tmk4eE5EWXlOakV5T1Rjd056QXpPQzgwT0RCZk1URXhNVGczTUROZlJFVXVhbkJufGJhYTZmY2U4ODVmMDg4MGEyMjhlODQyZmQxNjc1NDNiNTkxYTIzMTc4NWVmYTlkZDAwZDZiYWY4NzhiOTY0ZWY" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Load Management Controller; Hardware + Software Bundle", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Load Management Controller", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/plcs-controllers/load-management-controller/p/8103-2000_000-002", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/8103-2000/000-002" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-204/261-1000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "WAGO Lighting Management is a highly sophisticated solution for lighting control in large spaces, such as production facilities and warehouses. Using a combination of predefined hardware and user-friendly software, WAGO offers a lighting management system that facilitates the design and commissioning of new lighting systems while providing numerous additional advantages for their operation. The basic idea: WAGO Lighting Management is ready for the vastly different light requirements of warehouses and production facilities. For example, a production facility can be divided into virtual rooms in which the light can be flexibly adapted. Each virtual room receives signals from sensors and actuators in order to automatically set the appropriate light intensity. Virtual rooms allow quick, easy implementation of both conversions and remodeling via Web configuration.<br/><br/><b>Compatible Controller:</b><br/><ul><li>Controller PFC200; 2nd Generation; Item No.: 750-8212</li></ul>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-2628359-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNzI5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURNM0wyZzFZUzh4TkRZNU1UQTJNREE0T0RnMk1pOHhNakJmTWpZeU9ETTFPVjlFUlM1cWNHY3w5MzQxNDljODljODM3NTIxODY0YmMyNTAxZDA3MmZmZDZlYjYxOGEyMjYyZjE0NmIyYWM2Yzc5NGI1YjRlNmYw" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-2628359-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMDMzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdZMkwyaGhNUzh4TkRZNU1UQTFPVGc1TWpJMU5DOHlNREJmTWpZeU9ETTFPVjlFUlM1cWNHY3wyNDNhNGQwOWQzZGYxY2RmMDVjZmUzZmIxMGUxM2I1NDk4ZjFkM2FlZmNkYmRkYmNlZWUzMWE1MTNmMDcwNDY0" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-2628359-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTM2MHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHSTRMMmhoTWk4eE5EWTVNVEExT1RneU5qY3hPQzgwT0RCZk1qWXlPRE0xT1Y5RVJTNXFjR2N8NDlmNzFhMzMxMDE0YjVkN2E0ZDZlNDI5Y2Y2ZTRmNTQ1MjZlMjg0NWU5MjA0YmRiNmEzYjU0ZTNkMzhiN2ExYQ" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Application Lighting Management; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Application Lighting Management", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/application-lighting-management/p/2759-204_261-1000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-204/261-1000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-283/211-1000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p><b>Function:</b></p><p>“Building Automation and Control Networks” (BACnet) is a data transfer protocol for building automation that simplifies communication between products from different manufacturers.</p><p>The PFC200 Controller (2nd generation) can be operated as a BACnet building controller and supports the B-BC device profile with all major BACnet objects and interoperability building blocks (BIBBs).</p><p>The device communicates via BACnet/IP and offers the functionality of a BACnet Client and BACnet Server.</p><p> </p><p>To use BACnet/IP, it is necessary to equip the device with a license.</p><p> </p><p>The BACnet network is configured using the WAGO BACnet Configurator and the Engineering Software.</p><p> </p><p><b>Benefits:</b></p><ul><li>Use the device as a BACnet Building Controller (B-BC)</li><li>Control and detect distributed I/O signals from</li><li>WAGO BACnet/IP Couplers via BACnet Fieldbus Protocol</li><li>Data exchange with other BACnet Devices as a BACnet Client or Server</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p><b>Use:</b></p><p>The license is registered in WAGO Upload and loaded onto a device. No other installation steps are required.</p><p> </p><p><b>Technical Data:</b></p><p>See “Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement” (PICS)</p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-2495651-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxODUyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURkaUwyZ3hOeTh4TkRZNE5qSXhOekkwTURZd05pOHhNakJmTWpRNU5UWTFNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3wwYzg1YzMwMTc3ZGM5YjRiM2Y1MzEwYjBjZmFmZWU3MzVhY2ZkYWQ4OTA4YTEwNDIxNDA4ODg4MmM1ODUyM2Zm" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-2495651-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMjA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURSaUwyZ3haUzh4TkRZNE5qSXhOekEwTXprNU9DOHlNREJmTWpRNU5UWTFNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3xjMzgwMDlhN2NhMzY2ZmMxY2IwZjM2M2YzNzhlMDRjYWZmMmFiNGJhNzc1MzA4ZGE4NThiMTdlNzJmOTU2YTgx" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-2495651-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTI1N3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEQTNMMmcyT1M4eE5EWTROakl4TmprM09EUTJNaTgwT0RCZk1qUTVOVFkxTVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8MTc4OGNmOWI1ZjhjOGYwMDMzYWZlMWQ2Y2IyZjY4MmZlNWMwYWJiYWY3YTkyNzA4NWJmYzY1YzhjMzUxN2M3Yg" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Runtime; BACnet; 300; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Runtime", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/runtime/p/2759-283_211-1000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-283/211-1000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-206/261-1000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>With WAGO's Energy Data Management solution, you can record and visualize your measurement data for different media and influencing variables (as well as the key figures calculated from it) in no time. Continuous acquisition and monitoring provide the basis for resource-efficient energy usage – the environment will thank you, and your operating costs will be minimized. As an added bonus, conformity with DIN EN 50001 for energy evaluation is part of the package.</p><p>WAGO Energy Data Management consists of Web-based application software combined with a modular control system. It records measurement data for different media along with influencing variables for energy monitoring – all are processed for additional analysis, archiving and reporting. The software automatically detects different signals from the connected meters and sensors, making them available to additional energy analysis tools via simple parameter settings. This insight guides you in optimizing energy consumption in your building or production facility – either locally or across the globe.</p><p> </p><p><b>Compatible Controllers/Touch Panels:</b></p><ul><li>PFC200 G2; PFC200 Controller as basic unit, available in different configurations: 750-821x</li><li>PFC200 G2 XTR; Alternative: PFC200 for extreme environments: 750-821x/040-000</li><li>Touch Panel 600 Standard Line; PIO3; 762-4304/8000-0002</li><li>Touch Panel 600 Advanced Line; PIO3; 762-5304/8000-0002</li></ul>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-2475313-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzMDM5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURjMUwyaGpOQzh4TkRZNU1qQTFNelkwTnpNNU1DOHhNakJmTWpRM05UTXhNMTlFUlM1cWNHY3wwYzU5ZDAyYmVkYzdmMGE1YzZkZjA0Yzg4NmJlZTBmMzk2ZWMwNGQ3YTljZGRkZTkzMWUwZTdkMjRhNWY1OWU3" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-2475313-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNzk1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURCa0wyaGpNUzh4TkRZNU1qQTFNelUwT1RBNE5pOHlNREJmTWpRM05UTXhNMTlFUlM1cWNHY3xiZDcwYzdkNGExMWU1NGI5Yjg0MDUwZTAyYTJmNzY5NDEwNmYxYTMyYzAxZjM5NzkyMmMyNmE1OWQyNGIxOGQx" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-2475313-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTAxMHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHSTJMMmhqTUM4eE5EWTVNakExTXpVeE5qTXhPQzgwT0RCZk1qUTNOVE14TTE5RVJTNXFjR2N8M2NmNmVhMzg4N2NiMTExYzFiYWY1NmU1M2JhNGIwNDhhODM2NjI3ODdiYWMzMjczYmIzZGQ1MjVhNjY2ZDYxZQ" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Application Energy Data Management; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Application Energy Data Management", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/application-energy-data-management/p/2759-206_261-1000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-206/261-1000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "759-302/000-923", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>WAGO-I/O-CHECK is an easy-to-use Windows application for operating and displaying a WAGO I/O System 750's node without connecting to a fieldbus system.</p><p>The software reads the configuration from the node and displays it graphically on the screen. This graphic can be printed together with a configuration list as documentation.</p><p>With WAGO-I/O-CHECK, it is possible to display and specify the process data of the I/O modules. The field wiring, including all sensors and actuators, can thus be checked before startup.</p><p>For some types of interface, Pt100 and thermocouple modules, application-specific settings can be made, such as the baud rate or sensor types.</p><p>The coupler must be connected to a free serial or USB port of the PC using the communication cable supplied in the set with the system to enable communication between WAGO‐I/O‐CHECK and the node.</p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0MzA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdGaUwyZzVOUzh4TkRZNU1ERTRNemszTURnME5pOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNRE13TURBd01qRmhZVEF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDFlYjliYjRmYmRlZTBjMDJjMzYzMjI2MDQyNGZkMjc2MDEzNjFjOTJjMDdlMTk2N2I0Yjg5YTBhODMwYzU1OTk" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNDYzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdSaUwyZzRaUzh4TkRZNU1ERTRNemMzTkRJek9DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNRE13TURBd01qRmhZVEF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDdhOWMwZmRkNmE3MWJjNDAzMWU0ZjYyNzY4ZmY5YmI0MThjMTZiMTgwZjI5Njc1NTBhZmIxMGY0YTQ0YjcxYTA" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0Nzc2MXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFERTVMMmc0WlM4eE5EWTVNREU0TXpjd09EY3dNaTgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TURNd01EQXdNakZoWVRBd01ETXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3xkY2EzYTdjZmFjMzUyMmU3MDMyZTU0OGMwYmJiMjZkNWQxZTRiZDhkYWNlYzY1ZTQwNzc3ZTI0OTFiODA5ODRl" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "WAGO-I/O-CHECK; USB-Set", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "WAGO-I/O-CHECK", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/wago-i-o-check/p/759-302_000-923", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/759-302/000-923" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-2283/211-1000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p><b>Function:</b></p><p>“Building Automation and Control Networks” (BACnet) is a data transfer protocol for building automation that simplifies communication between products from different manufacturers.</p><p>The PFC200 Controller (2nd generation) can be operated as a BACnet building controller and supports the B-BC device profile with all major BACnet objects and interoperability building blocks (BIBBs).</p><p>The device communicates via BACnet/IP and offers the functionality of a BACnet Client and BACnet Server.</p><p> </p><p>To use BACnet/IP, it is necessary to equip the device with a license.</p><p> </p><p>The BACnet network is configured using the WAGO BACnet Configurator and the Engineering Software.</p><p> </p><p><b>Benefits:</b></p><ul><li>Use the device as a BACnet Building Controller (B-BC)</li><li>Control and detect distributed I/O signals from</li><li>WAGO BACnet/IP Couplers via BACnet Fieldbus Protocol</li><li>Data exchange with other BACnet Devices as a BACnet Client or Server</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p><b>Use:</b></p><p>The license is registered in WAGO Upload and loaded onto a device. No other installation steps are required.</p><p> </p><p><b>Technical Data:</b></p><p>See “Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement” (PICS)</p><p> </p><p><b>Compatible Controllers:</b></p><p>750-8210 PFC200; G2; 4ETH</p><p>750-8211 PFC200; G2; 2ETH 2SFP</p><p>750-8212 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS</p><p>750-8213 PFC200; G2; 2ETH CAN</p><p>750-8216 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN DPS</p><p>750-8217 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS; 4G</p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-2495651-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxODUyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURkaUwyZ3hOeTh4TkRZNE5qSXhOekkwTURZd05pOHhNakJmTWpRNU5UWTFNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3wwYzg1YzMwMTc3ZGM5YjRiM2Y1MzEwYjBjZmFmZWU3MzVhY2ZkYWQ4OTA4YTEwNDIxNDA4ODg4MmM1ODUyM2Zm" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-2495651-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMjA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURSaUwyZ3haUzh4TkRZNE5qSXhOekEwTXprNU9DOHlNREJmTWpRNU5UWTFNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3xjMzgwMDlhN2NhMzY2ZmMxY2IwZjM2M2YzNzhlMDRjYWZmMmFiNGJhNzc1MzA4ZGE4NThiMTdlNzJmOTU2YTgx" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-2495651-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTI1N3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEQTNMMmcyT1M4eE5EWTROakl4TmprM09EUTJNaTgwT0RCZk1qUTVOVFkxTVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8MTc4OGNmOWI1ZjhjOGYwMDMzYWZlMWQ2Y2IyZjY4MmZlNWMwYWJiYWY3YTkyNzA4NWJmYzY1YzhjMzUxN2M3Yg" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Runtime; BACnet; 300; M; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Runtime", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/runtime/p/2759-2283_211-1000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-2283/211-1000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-207/271-1000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "License for the visualization of dashboards and diagrams in responsive design", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-2809457-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNzg3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdZeUwyZ3hZUzh4TkRZNE16RTJPVEV5T0RRM09DOHhNakJmTWpnd09UUTFOMTlFUlM1cWNHY3xmZWRiZTZhMmZhNTYwNjJiYWJhZmRlYjRiM2U0NDYzNThiYmM4YTQ1NmVjZjkzNWRiMTA5NWZlMDRmYjk4ZmQ3" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-2809457-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMDMyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURWaUwyZzJPUzh4TkRZNE16RTJPRGt6TVRnM01DOHlNREJmTWpnd09UUTFOMTlFUlM1cWNHY3wyNzRlYzE5NjMwY2IzMjYzZWYzNTQ0NzU0NGM3YWQ2YTVlNTA4YjAxNDgyYWZmMTEzYjBlYWI1ZjY0Y2UzNmZl" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-2809457-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMzc2MnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEWmpMMmcyWXk4eE5EWTRNekUyT0RnMk5qTXpOQzgwT0RCZk1qZ3dPVFExTjE5RVJTNXFjR2N8Y2JhZmZlYTc3Mzc5YmUyNTc0NjhkNTg2OWFjMTk0NjNjZTU3ZGIyNTA1NGViMmUxZTA0N2E1NDc5NjVmYzQ2ZA" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Visualization Energy Data Management; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Visualization Energy Data Management", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/visualization-energy-data-management/p/2759-207_271-1000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-207/271-1000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-245/211-1000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p><b>Description:</b></p><p>Increase availability in central ship alarm systems with WAGO's Application-Based Controller Redundancy (ACR).</p><p>The licensed software library (2759-245/211-1000) and an CODESYS</p><p>redundancy framework allows you to easily program and operate redundant</p><p>master PLCs in single point of failure (SPOF) tolerant systems.</p><p>A large number of the available 750 Series I/O Modules can be integrated into the system via Smart Couplers. These decentralized PLCs automatically recognize the input and output modules, which makes commissioning easy. The redundant communication of the two Master PLCs and the Smart Couplers is performed either via two separate networks (Dual-LAN) or a ring topology.</p><p>These Master PLCs (2nd generation PFC200) communicate with higher-level SCADA systems, for example, via the Modbus TCP protocol.</p><p>The application notes (a2020003 and a2020004) describe the practical use of the library and define the application area and the maximum number of participants within the system.</p><p> </p><p><b>Advantages:</b></p><ul><li>Easy commissioning of the entire system with WAGO’s standard hardware</li><li>Simple/slow control loops can be mapped (Alarm & Monitoring, Data Acquisition, Slow Running Processes)</li><li>Low switchover time (per marine classification society requirements)</li><li>Use of complex modules such as HART or DALI</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p><b>Benefits:</b></p><ul><li>With the application redundancy concept, WAGO provides you with a redundant framework for simple and economical system integration in ship technology.</li><li>You save engineering effort and can focus on your application.</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p><b>Licensing:</b></p><p>To use the “WagoAppRedundancyMaster.library,” a “Library Controller Redundancy Master” license (2759-245/211-1000) must be purchased for each Master PLC. An SD card image in the redundancy framework is available for the Smart Couplers.</p><p> </p><p><b>Use:</b></p><p>The license is registered in WAGO Upload and loaded onto a device. No other installation steps are required.</p><p> </p><p><b>Note:</b></p><p>Register <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/d/swreg_acr_c\">here</a> to download the redundancy framework and test ACR free of charge for 30 days.</p><p> </p><p><b>Recommended Controller:</b></p><p>PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS 750-8212</p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-2765836-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMTM1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURJNEwyZzJNUzh4TkRZNE9UTXhPVEk0T0RnMk1pOHhNakJmTWpjMk5UZ3pObDlFUlM1cWNHY3xiZmViMmY0NWUxMzg4NDMwZDllMDljYmZiMDUxYjhlMWNmZWMwODZkNWZmMTBkNjQ2MjMzYWI5NmMzYmVkNTNh" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-2765836-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMzM1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdVMUwyZzJOeTh4TkRZNE9UTXhPVEE1TWpJMU5DOHlNREJmTWpjMk5UZ3pObDlFUlM1cWNHY3xiNzliMTM5OGI4YTQ2MTBkZWQ0MmYxMTMxYjRjOGUyNWUyMjMzMTlmZGFhNDE5ZGExYzMwZTJlMDg1OWVmOWZl" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-2765836-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxODk0MnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHRTJMMmcyT0M4eE5EWTRPVE14T1RBeU5qY3hPQzgwT0RCZk1qYzJOVGd6Tmw5RVJTNXFjR2N8ZGMwODY3ZGViMTEyOGU0ZWMxODE2YzkwNDZiZWY0OGZmNGFhMDFmN2EyMGRjNjhhYTExOWEzODA1NTljYmIwYQ" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Library Controller Redundancy Master; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Library Controller Redundancy Master", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/library-controller-redundancy-master/p/2759-245_211-1000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-245/211-1000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-1061/651-100", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<b>Collect, Analyze and Manage Data Centrally</b><br/>The WAGO Cloud gives you the option of collecting data from various machines and managing it centrally.<br/>The WAGO Cloud makes it possible to manage and monitor WAGO's controllers, including their data and applications. It is hosted on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud. With simple, user-friendly operation, it was developed so that even people without IT experience can use it.<br/>The cloud service is available online at https://cloud.wago.com/. After registering for free and linking to the WAGO Controllers, you can get started in just a few a few minutes.<br/><br/><b>How does machine data get to the WAGO Cloud?</b><br/>A WAGO PFC Controller or Touch Panel serve as a gateway, collect the data and then send it to the WAGO Cloud. Users log into their user interface on the Web portal, where they can use various applications: They have access to functions like visualizations, controller and user management, as well as controller status monitoring. They can also activate alarm functions and use them to automatically send email notifications if defined limit values are exceeded, for example. Data can be graphically visualized, evaluated and exported as needed.<br/><br/><b>Do you need to restrict the data you send to the cloud?</b><br/>No problem! You decide yourself by configuring the WAGO PFC Controller, specifying what data to send to the cloud or not via IEC program.<br/><br/><b>What kind of services can I use on the WAGO Cloud?</b><br/>The WAGO Cloud is a universal industrial-strength data logger with data visualization. It allows customizable dashboards and analyses to be created quickly and easily in the cloud. Use interfaces via REST and CSV data export for further processing of data, or use them as a data supplier in order to perform detailed analyses in other systems, for example. Monitor controller statuses and receive notifications if specified limit values are exceeded.<br/><br/><b>How can I use the functions?</b><br/>Test the WAGO Cloud for 30 days with no commitment to see if it’s right for you.<br/>The cloud service is available online at https://cloud.wago.com/. After registering for free and linking to the WAGO controllers, you can get started in just a few minutes.<br/>After that, you book license points with a prepaid model, via our WAGO eShop for example, and simply redeem them in the cloud. Transparent billing management in the cloud allows you to fully monitor the current and anticipated scope of the functions used. When your license points are almost used up, you receive a notice that you'll need to reload your points account soon.", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzMTI1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURjMkwyaGpPQzh4TkRZNE9EazNOemcwTmpNd01pOHhNakJmTVRRd05UWTRNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3w0NDIxMTI1YzNiOTNlZmM3MzM4Mjg2ZWQ1Nzc0MzA1OTUwYmQ1OWExZWIzMzRiMDc1ZDZkMWVmNzQyNDcwOTNi" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMTIxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdFMUwyaGpNUzh4TkRZNE9EazNOelkwT1RZNU5DOHlNREJmTVRRd05UWTRNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3wyYjUzYTk4MTU4OWE3NDdlYzRlYTNmNDhlMTFiNjBiNmViNjJkOTJjN2MwOGI4ODBmOWFkNzgzMmZlMTVjNTBm" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTU4MHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHRTRMMmhpWlM4eE5EWTRPRGszTnpVNE5ERTFPQzgwT0RCZk1UUXdOVFk0TVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8OTJjNGZkOTUxYjg4MWFkZjY2ZjE4NDI4NTBjYTE5MmNmNTliZGJhZjRhNDM5YWIxOWU1ZTRhMzNjY2M2YzI4Yg" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "WAGO Cloud; 1000 License Points; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "WAGO Cloud", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/wago-cloud/p/2759-1061_651-100", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-1061/651-100" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-1061/651-010", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<b>Collect, Analyze and Manage Data Centrally</b><br/>The WAGO Cloud gives you the option of collecting data from various machines and managing it centrally.<br/>The WAGO Cloud makes it possible to manage and monitor WAGO's controllers, including their data and applications. It is hosted on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud. With simple, user-friendly operation, it was developed so that even people without IT experience can use it.<br/>The cloud service is available online at https://cloud.wago.com/. After registering for free and linking to the WAGO Controllers, you can get started in just a few a few minutes.<br/><br/><b>How does machine data get to the WAGO Cloud?</b><br/>A WAGO PFC Controller or Touch Panel serve as a gateway, collect the data and then send it to the WAGO Cloud. Users log into their user interface on the Web portal, where they can use various applications: They have access to functions like visualizations, controller and user management, as well as controller status monitoring. They can also activate alarm functions and use them to automatically send email notifications if defined limit values are exceeded, for example. Data can be graphically visualized, evaluated and exported as needed.<br/><br/><b>Do you need to restrict the data you send to the cloud?</b><br/>No problem! You decide yourself by configuring the WAGO PFC Controller, specifying what data to send to the cloud or not via IEC program.<br/><br/><b>What kind of services can I use on the WAGO Cloud?</b><br/>The WAGO Cloud is a universal industrial-strength data logger with data visualization. It allows customizable dashboards and analyses to be created quickly and easily in the cloud. Use interfaces via REST and CSV data export for further processing of data, or use them as a data supplier in order to perform detailed analyses in other systems, for example. Monitor controller statuses and receive notifications if specified limit values are exceeded.<br/><br/><b>How can I use the functions?</b><br/>Test the WAGO Cloud for 30 days with no commitment to see if it’s right for you.<br/>The cloud service is available online at https://cloud.wago.com/. After registering for free and linking to the WAGO controllers, you can get started in just a few minutes.<br/>After that, you book license points with a prepaid model, via our WAGO eShop for example, and simply redeem them in the cloud. Transparent billing management in the cloud allows you to fully monitor the current and anticipated scope of the functions used. When your license points are almost used up, you receive a notice that you'll need to reload your points account soon.", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzMTI1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURjMkwyaGpPQzh4TkRZNE9EazNOemcwTmpNd01pOHhNakJmTVRRd05UWTRNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3w0NDIxMTI1YzNiOTNlZmM3MzM4Mjg2ZWQ1Nzc0MzA1OTUwYmQ1OWExZWIzMzRiMDc1ZDZkMWVmNzQyNDcwOTNi" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMTIxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdFMUwyaGpNUzh4TkRZNE9EazNOelkwT1RZNU5DOHlNREJmTVRRd05UWTRNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3wyYjUzYTk4MTU4OWE3NDdlYzRlYTNmNDhlMTFiNjBiNmViNjJkOTJjN2MwOGI4ODBmOWFkNzgzMmZlMTVjNTBm" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTU4MHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHRTRMMmhpWlM4eE5EWTRPRGszTnpVNE5ERTFPQzgwT0RCZk1UUXdOVFk0TVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8OTJjNGZkOTUxYjg4MWFkZjY2ZjE4NDI4NTBjYTE5MmNmNTliZGJhZjRhNDM5YWIxOWU1ZTRhMzNjY2M2YzI4Yg" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "WAGO Cloud; 100 License Points; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "WAGO Cloud", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/wago-cloud/p/2759-1061_651-010", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-1061/651-010" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-1061/651-050", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<b>Collect, Analyze and Manage Data Centrally</b><br/>The WAGO Cloud gives you the option of collecting data from various machines and managing it centrally.<br/>The WAGO Cloud makes it possible to manage and monitor WAGO's controllers, including their data and applications. It is hosted on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud. With simple, user-friendly operation, it was developed so that even people without IT experience can use it.<br/>The cloud service is available online at https://cloud.wago.com/. After registering for free and linking to the WAGO Controllers, you can get started in just a few a few minutes.<br/><br/><b>How does machine data get to the WAGO Cloud?</b><br/>A WAGO PFC Controller or Touch Panel serve as a gateway, collect the data and then send it to the WAGO Cloud. Users log into their user interface on the Web portal, where they can use various applications: They have access to functions like visualizations, controller and user management, as well as controller status monitoring. They can also activate alarm functions and use them to automatically send email notifications if defined limit values are exceeded, for example. Data can be graphically visualized, evaluated and exported as needed.<br/><br/><b>Do you need to restrict the data you send to the cloud?</b><br/>No problem! You decide yourself by configuring the WAGO PFC Controller, specifying what data to send to the cloud or not via IEC program.<br/><br/><b>What kind of services can I use on the WAGO Cloud?</b><br/>The WAGO Cloud is a universal industrial-strength data logger with data visualization. It allows customizable dashboards and analyses to be created quickly and easily in the cloud. Use interfaces via REST and CSV data export for further processing of data, or use them as a data supplier in order to perform detailed analyses in other systems, for example. Monitor controller statuses and receive notifications if specified limit values are exceeded.<br/><br/><b>How can I use the functions?</b><br/>Test the WAGO Cloud for 30 days with no commitment to see if it’s right for you.<br/>The cloud service is available online at https://cloud.wago.com/. After registering for free and linking to the WAGO controllers, you can get started in just a few minutes.<br/>After that, you book license points with a prepaid model, via our WAGO eShop for example, and simply redeem them in the cloud. Transparent billing management in the cloud allows you to fully monitor the current and anticipated scope of the functions used. When your license points are almost used up, you receive a notice that you'll need to reload your points account soon.", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzMTI1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURjMkwyaGpPQzh4TkRZNE9EazNOemcwTmpNd01pOHhNakJmTVRRd05UWTRNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3w0NDIxMTI1YzNiOTNlZmM3MzM4Mjg2ZWQ1Nzc0MzA1OTUwYmQ1OWExZWIzMzRiMDc1ZDZkMWVmNzQyNDcwOTNi" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMTIxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdFMUwyaGpNUzh4TkRZNE9EazNOelkwT1RZNU5DOHlNREJmTVRRd05UWTRNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3wyYjUzYTk4MTU4OWE3NDdlYzRlYTNmNDhlMTFiNjBiNmViNjJkOTJjN2MwOGI4ODBmOWFkNzgzMmZlMTVjNTBm" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-1405681-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTU4MHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHRTRMMmhpWlM4eE5EWTRPRGszTnpVNE5ERTFPQzgwT0RCZk1UUXdOVFk0TVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8OTJjNGZkOTUxYjg4MWFkZjY2ZjE4NDI4NTBjYTE5MmNmNTliZGJhZjRhNDM5YWIxOWU1ZTRhMzNjY2M2YzI4Yg" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "WAGO Cloud; 500 License Points; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "WAGO Cloud", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/wago-cloud/p/2759-1061_651-050", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-1061/651-050" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-106/1121-1000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "WAGO IO-Link Configurator enables configuration and parameterization, as well as operation and monitoring of WAGO IO-Link Masters in the WAGO I/O System 750 and WAGO I/O System Field and, in particular, the WAGO IO-Link devices connected to them. <br/><br/>Additionally, WAGO IO-Link Configurator can be used for complete configuration and operation of all IO-devices of third-party manufacturers, as long as they comply with the IO-Link specification.<br/>A product’s process data can be visualized graphically and stored in trend curves. Up to eight elements can be selected for visualization, and the data can be recorded for up to 24 hours.<br/> <br/>Device description files for the IO-Link Masters (IOLM) or IO-Link Devices (IODD) can be used to integrate new devices into the tool at any time.<br/>Convenient access to the IO-Link user organization’s IODD finder is available for the IODDs. This allows automated, selective download of IODDs when integrating new IO-Link devices.<br/><br/>WAGO IO-Link Configurator can be used either as a standalone program or integrated into engineering systems with a TCI interface and WAGO-I/O-<i>CHECK</i>.<br/><br/>An integrated IODD viewer allows detailed insight into the IODD device description.<br/><br/>The license is assigned to the respective PC on which it is installed (workstation license).", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-5279270-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzMzA0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdJM0wyZzNNaTh4TkRZNE56YzBNVEU0TVRrNE1pOHhNakJmTlRJM09USTNNRjlFUlM1cWNHY3xmOWVlMTNhMTc0YTBjNjEyNmFlNTRiYTMzZTc3NDIxYTI2YWY4MTdkNTM3N2M3NDRlN2Q5YTQ5NWM3YjM4ZmYw" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-5279270-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTc1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURNeUwyaGpNUzh4TkRZNE56YzBNRGs0TlRNM05DOHlNREJmTlRJM09USTNNRjlFUlM1cWNHY3xiZjQwYWE4ZWNlMjFlNzM1NmVhZTk2ODNiN2Q4ODA5ZGI2NDU0OTFhZTEwNDE5YjQ1NTRhMGMyN2QzNjVlNDZk" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-5279270-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTY4N3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHWTBMMmhqTVM4eE5EWTROemMwTURreE9UZ3pPQzgwT0RCZk5USTNPVEkzTUY5RVJTNXFjR2N8ZjQxZTc0ZjhjNzczMTRjMDc5MjU3OTM5ZmE0OTc4ZjJmODgwYzU4MzQxMGIyN2MzNzMyZGRiMWFlNzMzZDEzMA" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "IO-Link Configurator; Single License; Online activation", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "IO-Link Configurator", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/io-link-configurator/p/2759-106_1121-1000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-106/1121-1000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "759-920", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>WAGO-I/O-CHECK is an easy-to-use Windows application for operating and displaying a WAGO I/O System 750's node without connecting to a fieldbus system.</p><p>The software reads the configuration from the node and displays it graphically on the screen. This graphic can be printed together with a configuration list as documentation.</p><p>With WAGO-I/O-CHECK, it is possible to display and specify the process data of the I/O modules. The field wiring, including all sensors and actuators, can thus be checked before startup.</p><p>For some types of interface, Pt100 and thermocouple modules, application-specific settings can be made, such as the baud rate or sensor types.</p><p>The coupler must be connected to a free serial or USB port of the PC using the communication cable supplied in the set with the system to enable communication between WAGO‐I/O‐CHECK and the node.</p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0MzA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdGaUwyZzVOUzh4TkRZNU1ERTRNemszTURnME5pOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNRE13TURBd01qRmhZVEF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDFlYjliYjRmYmRlZTBjMDJjMzYzMjI2MDQyNGZkMjc2MDEzNjFjOTJjMDdlMTk2N2I0Yjg5YTBhODMwYzU1OTk" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNDYzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdSaUwyZzRaUzh4TkRZNU1ERTRNemMzTkRJek9DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNRE13TURBd01qRmhZVEF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDdhOWMwZmRkNmE3MWJjNDAzMWU0ZjYyNzY4ZmY5YmI0MThjMTZiMTgwZjI5Njc1NTBhZmIxMGY0YTQ0YjcxYTA" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0Nzc2MXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFERTVMMmc0WlM4eE5EWTVNREU0TXpjd09EY3dNaTgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TURNd01EQXdNakZoWVRBd01ETXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3xkY2EzYTdjZmFjMzUyMmU3MDMyZTU0OGMwYmJiMjZkNWQxZTRiZDhkYWNlYzY1ZTQwNzc3ZTI0OTFiODA5ODRl" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "WAGO-I/O-CHECK", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 25.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "WAGO-I/O-CHECK", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/wago-i-o-check/p/759-920", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/759-920" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "759-302", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>WAGO-I/O-CHECK is an easy-to-use Windows application for operating and displaying a WAGO I/O System 750's node without connecting to a fieldbus system.</p><p>The software reads the configuration from the node and displays it graphically on the screen. This graphic can be printed together with a configuration list as documentation.</p><p>With WAGO-I/O-CHECK, it is possible to display and specify the process data of the I/O modules. The field wiring, including all sensors and actuators, can thus be checked before startup.</p><p>For some types of interface, Pt100 and thermocouple modules, application-specific settings can be made, such as the baud rate or sensor types.</p><p>The coupler must be connected to a free serial or USB port of the PC using the communication cable supplied in the set with the system to enable communication between WAGO‐I/O‐CHECK and the node.</p>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0MzA2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdGaUwyZzVOUzh4TkRZNU1ERTRNemszTURnME5pOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNRE13TURBd01qRmhZVEF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDFlYjliYjRmYmRlZTBjMDJjMzYzMjI2MDQyNGZkMjc2MDEzNjFjOTJjMDdlMTk2N2I0Yjg5YTBhODMwYzU1OTk" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNDYzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdSaUwyZzRaUzh4TkRZNU1ERTRNemMzTkRJek9DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNRE13TURBd01qRmhZVEF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDdhOWMwZmRkNmE3MWJjNDAzMWU0ZjYyNzY4ZmY5YmI0MThjMTZiMTgwZjI5Njc1NTBhZmIxMGY0YTQ0YjcxYTA" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-02000003000021aa000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0Nzc2MXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFERTVMMmc0WlM4eE5EWTVNREU0TXpjd09EY3dNaTgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TURNd01EQXdNakZoWVRBd01ETXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3xkY2EzYTdjZmFjMzUyMmU3MDMyZTU0OGMwYmJiMjZkNWQxZTRiZDhkYWNlYzY1ZTQwNzc3ZTI0OTFiODA5ODRl" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "WAGO-I/O-CHECK; RS-232-Set", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "WAGO-I/O-CHECK", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/wago-i-o-check/p/759-302", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/759-302" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : true, "categoryNames" : [ "Software" ], "code" : "2759-101/1110-2002", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "<p>WAGO Automation Software <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> for faster machine and system startup: WAGO's new engineering software shortens development time for automation projects while impressing with a modern and clearly laid out user interface. At the software’s core is CODESYS V3 for simple and versatile creation of applications.</p><p>Ensuring a project’s long-term viability through sustainable cost savings hinges on the user’s </p>ability to quickly adapt to new software that offers a high degree of reusability.<br/><p>WAGO set out to fulfill these exact requirements by developing its own engineering software: <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i>. This integrated development environment supports every automation task, from hardware configuration, programming, simulation and visualization, to commissioning – all in one software package.</p><p>Use the programming tool to handle all important automation tasks, and implement especially complex projects quickly and easily.</p><p></p><p><b>Configuration and Parameterization</b></p><p>The integrated <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> configurators provide state-of-the-art operating tools and workspaces,</p><p>such as:</p><ul><li>Graphical network topology: Complex relationships between network devices and their current states can be identified easily and intuitively.</li><li>Drag & drop: Simplifies device interaction.</li><li>Copy & paste: Individual devices or whole network branches can be duplicated quickly.</li><li>Batch processing: Parameter values are set simultaneously for several devices.</li></ul><br/><p><b>Programming</b></p><p><b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> offers multiple software development options:</p><ul><li>IEC 61131-3 PLC programming languages: Structured Text (ST), Ladder Diagram (LD), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Instruction List (IL), Sequential Function Chart (SFC), </li></ul><br/>Continuous Function Chart (CFC)<br/><ul><li>For flexibility, all programming languages can be combined with one another.</li><li>Created programs can be easily debugged on the engineering PC via simulation.</li><li>New paradigms such as object-oriented programming are included.</li></ul><br/><p><b>Visualization</b></p><p>Advanced user interfaces for machine operation and monitoring are standard. Today, HMI-based design is a critical factor that influences the purchase of an entire automation line. <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> employs Drag & Drop to streamline the design of modern user interfaces. The integrated visualization editor provides:</p><ul><li>Access to IEC program variables</li><li>Closed simulation of HMI and PLC programs on the engineering PC</li><li>Guaranteed language independence via Unicode character set</li><li>Current standards such as HTML 5 and CSS</li></ul><br/><p><b>Diagnostics</b></p><p>Being acutely aware of the automation network’s current status is vital for rapid fault localization and debugging – be it during development in the office or directly on the machine during commissioning.</p><p><b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> provides comprehensive diagnostic capabilities:</p><ul><li>Individual views, for example, always display the controllers’ status information both graphically and in tabular form.</li><li>To keep the project on time, error messages are transmitted directly and clearly.</li><li>The structured wiring test function systematically identifies wiring errors.</li></ul>", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-0200001c0002f0f3000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTc2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURWaEwyZzBNaTh4TkRZNE1qSTVNVEF4TVRZeE5DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNV013TURBeVpqQm1NekF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDExNDFjMzk2NTA3MGRjNzM2MjRkYThlOGY0YjdjMWQ1YzEzMDY3NzZjYmRiYjIxNjc0NmQ2ZTc2MzU2ZTYwZDE" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-0200001c0002f0f3000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMTI3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURJeEwyZ3dZeTh4TkRZNE1qSTVNRGd4TlRBd05pOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNV013TURBeVpqQm1NekF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDYxZDQyMmE5NTExOTEwNDZmNjdkMTBkN2NmMTQ0OGRkMWUxYjhhYTE2YTg5YTVlMTU4Y2Q5NjFkNzkzYjYxMTQ" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-0200001c0002f0f3000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMDM1N3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFETXlMMmd3Wmk4eE5EWTRNakk1TURjME9UUTNNQzgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TVdNd01EQXlaakJtTXpBd01ERXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3w5NDlkYTMxYjllNWI2M2Q0YjRkOWI0OThiNmFmYzc1ODE0ZDUyMGE1NGI1ZjBiMjk1NWE2ZmJhYjRiZmZhOGRi" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "e!COCKPIT; Workstation License", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "e!COCKPIT", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Piece", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/software/e-cockpit/p/2759-101_1110-2002", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/2759-101/1110-2002" } ], "sorts" : [ { "code" : "relevance", "name" : "Relevance", "resultTypes" : [ "all", "career", "download", "product", "service", "solutions", "company" ], "selected" : true }, { "code" : "code-asc", "name" : "Item number (ascending)", "resultTypes" : [ "product" ], "selected" : false }, { "code" : "code-desc", "name" : "Item number (descending)", "resultTypes" : [ "product" ], "selected" : false }, { "code" : "creationtime", "name" : "Date of publication", "resultTypes" : [ "product" ], "selected" : false } ] }