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Functions through license activation: Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.) Excess charging Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID) Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber) Compatible licenses (charging points): 8101-2000/000-021 WAGO Application Load Management; 01 charging point 8101-2000/000-022 WAGO Application Load Management; 05 charging points 8101-2000/000-023 WAGO Application Load Management; 15 charging points 8101-2000/000-024 WAGO Application Load Management; 30 charging points Activate and download license keys: https://walm.license.wago.com ", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-11118703-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0NzYwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUROakwyZzNaaTh4TkRZeU5qRXlPVGsyT1RFNE1pOHhNakJmTVRFeE1UZzNNRE5mUkVVdWFuQm58ZWRkZDk3MTUzOTY5YjZiYjNkOWQwZTE3NzBmNjA0OWJjMmRkYzBkOTE5NDhhYjVhNzhiMjcwMzYxY2MwZGU2NA" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-11118703-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0NDYxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdaaEwyZzROUzh4TkRZeU5qRXlPVGMzTWpVM05DOHlNREJmTVRFeE1UZzNNRE5mUkVVdWFuQm58NjM3NzlkOTczN2NjNWZjZjlkMGUzNjY1ZjBjYThiNTJlZDUxOWFjNjZkN2RiMGQ4NDA2Yzg2NGY3OWMyMDMwNQ" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-11118703-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNjAzMnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHSmlMMmc0Tmk4eE5EWXlOakV5T1Rjd056QXpPQzgwT0RCZk1URXhNVGczTUROZlJFVXVhbkJufGJhYTZmY2U4ODVmMDg4MGEyMjhlODQyZmQxNjc1NDNiNTkxYTIzMTc4NWVmYTlkZDAwZDZiYWY4NzhiOTY0ZWY" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Controler de gestionare a sarcinii; Pachet hardware + software", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Controler de gestionare a sarcinii", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "buc.", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/plcs-controllers/load-management-controller/p/8103-2000_000-002", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/8103-2000/000-002" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Controller" ], "code" : "750-8212", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : " The PFC200 Controller is a compact PLC for the modular WAGO I/O System. 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Programming per IEC 61131-3 Programmable with CODESYS V3.5 from Firmware Release 23, WAGO-I/O-PRO V2.3 or e!COCKPIT up to Firmware Release 22 Direct connection of WAGO's I/O modules 2 x ETHERNET (configurable), RS-232/-485 Linux operating system with RT‐Preempt patch Configuration via CODESYS, e!COCKPIT or Web-Based Management user interface Maintenance-free ", "familyName" : "Controller 750", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-0200002700033201000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0NDc5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdWbEwyaGxaUzh4TWpnM056YzVNVGc0TnpNNU1DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNamN3TURBek16SXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGE1YzE3NTg4NjY1MTUyY2JiODk0YzliNDhmMWUwMzkzNTg5NzlhMjk5NGNkYzcwOTljZDY3MWJmN2RiNWMwZTE" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-0200002700033201000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTkyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURNeEwyaGxPQzh4TWpnM056YzVNVFk1TURjNE1pOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNamN3TURBek16SXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDc1NmNiNzU2MDZjY2I5YTdjMDM5ODA5MzM2OGI4NWE3MjJiZGQ0YzZlNzlhOTgwY2IxYjY5YzkxMzliZWYwNjQ" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-0200002700033201000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzOTM0MnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEY3dMMmhsTnk4eE1qZzNOemM1TVRZeU5USTBOaTgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TWpjd01EQXpNekl3TVRBd01ERXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3xjNTViN2I5YzhkNWYzNWNkYTJmYWMzMGU1ZTljY2U3ZjNlY2RlNzI2MGM0MjYxNGVkMzNiOTc0YWEyMDA5MmYy" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Controler PFC200; Generaţia 2; 2 x ETHERNET, RS-232/-485", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "productColor" : { "url" : "/medias/0003.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTB8aW1hZ2UvcG5nfGFXMWhaMlZ6TDJobU5DOW9ObVV2TVRBME1qa3pPVFkzTnprd016Z3VjRzVufGZlNjQ3OWYxNThiOTc1MjgxOWY3NzM2MzA4ODlmM2IwNzM2MWRmMmVmMjZkYjQ5MTJhNDU4NzBmMDNhOWEyOGQ" }, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Controler PFC200", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "buc.", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/plcs-controllers/controller-pfc200/p/750-8212", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/750-8212" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Controller" ], "code" : "750-8212/025-002", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : " The PFC200 Controller is a compact PLC for the modular WAGO I/O System. Besides network and fieldbus interfaces, the controller supports all digital, analog and specialty modules found within the 750/753 Series. Two ETHERNET interfaces and an integrated switch enable line topology wiring. An integrated Webserver provides user configuration options, while displaying PFC200 status information. Besides the processing industry and building automation, typical applications for the PFC200 include standard machinery and equipment control (e.g., packaging, bottling and manufacturing systems, as well as textile, metal and wood processing machines). Programming per IEC 61131-3 Programmable with CODESYS V3.5 from Firmware Release 23, WAGO-I/O-PRO V2.3 or e!COCKPIT up to Firmware Release 22 Direct connection of WAGO's I/O modules 2 x ETHERNET (configurable), RS-232/-485 Linux operating system with RT‐Preempt patch Configuration via CODESYS or Web-Based Management user interface Maintenance-free ", "familyName" : "Controller 750", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-0200002700033201000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0NDc5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdWbEwyaGxaUzh4TWpnM056YzVNVGc0TnpNNU1DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNamN3TURBek16SXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGE1YzE3NTg4NjY1MTUyY2JiODk0YzliNDhmMWUwMzkzNTg5NzlhMjk5NGNkYzcwOTljZDY3MWJmN2RiNWMwZTE" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-0200002700033201000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTkyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURNeEwyaGxPQzh4TWpnM056YzVNVFk1TURjNE1pOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNamN3TURBek16SXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDc1NmNiNzU2MDZjY2I5YTdjMDM5ODA5MzM2OGI4NWE3MjJiZGQ0YzZlNzlhOTgwY2IxYjY5YzkxMzliZWYwNjQ" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-0200002700033201000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzOTM0MnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEY3dMMmhsTnk4eE1qZzNOemM1TVRZeU5USTBOaTgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TWpjd01EQXpNekl3TVRBd01ERXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3xjNTViN2I5YzhkNWYzNWNkYTJmYWMzMGU1ZTljY2U3ZjNlY2RlNzI2MGM0MjYxNGVkMzNiOTc0YWEyMDA5MmYy" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Controler PFC200; Generaţia 2; 2 x ETHERNET, RS-232/-485; Tehnologie de control la distanţă; Temperatură ext.; ECO", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Controler PFC200", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "buc.", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/plcs-controllers/controller-pfc200/p/750-8212_025-002", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/750-8212/025-002" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Controller" ], "code" : "750-891", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "The Modbus TCP Controller can be used as a programmable controller within ETHERNET networks in conjunction with the WAGO I/O System. The controller detects all connected I/O modules and creates a local process image. This process image may include a mixed arrangement of analog (word-by-word data transfer) and digital (bit-by-bit data transfer) modules. Two ETHERNET interfaces and an integrated switch allow the fieldbus to be wired in a line topology, eliminating the need for additional network devices, such as switches or hubs. Both interfaces support autonegotiation and Auto-MDI(X). The DIP switch configures the last byte of the IP address and may be used for IP address assignment. The controller is designed for fieldbus communication in Modbus® networks. It also supports a wide variety of standard ETHERNET protocols (e.g., HTTP(S), BootP, DHCP, DNS, SNTP, (S)FTP, SNMP). An integrated Webserver provides user configuration options, while displaying the controller's status information. The IEC 61131-3 programmable controller is multitasking-capable and features a capacitor-backed RTC. 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This compact device is freely programmable with CODESYS V3, but can also be used for IEC 61131-independent engineering, for instance with Node-RED, Python or C++. Later installation of Docker® as a virtualization environment is also straightforward. This addition makes the Compact Controller 100 a full-fledged IIoT device with gateway functionality. In this way, WAGO combines the requirements of two different domains within one device in the best possible way, bringing its expertise to bear where “automation meets IT.” Another advantage of the Compact Controller 100: Thanks to its design as a DIN-rail builtin installation device per DIN 43880, it can also be mounted in small distribution boards. The I/O unit is housed with the controller in a compact enclosure, so it requires no additional space for other control components. The wiring interface is removable, providing advantages for installation and commissioning. 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It communicates with other BACnet devices via BACnet/IP. The controller provides the three following functionalities: 1. Native server: For each channel, appropriate BACnet objects are generated automatically for the digital and analog I/O modules that are connected to the controller. 2. Application server: Other supported BACnet objects can be created via IEC 61131‐3 programming environment and made available to a BACnet network. 3. Application client: Using the client functionality, objects and their properties can be accessed by other BACnet devices. Two ETHERNET interfaces and an integrated switch allow the fieldbus to be wired in a line topology, eliminating the need for additional network devices, such as switches or hubs. Both interfaces support autonegotiation and Auto-MDI(X). The DIP switch configures the last byte of the IP address and may be used for IP address assignment. An integrated Webserver provides configuration options to the user, while displaying the controller's status information. The IEC 61131-3 programmable controller is multitasking-capable and features a capacitor-backed RTC. A data memory of 8 MB is available. The 750-832 Controller is equipped with a removable memory card slot. A memory card can be used to transfer device parameters or files (e.g., boot files) from one controller to another. The memory card can be accessed via FTP and be used as an additional drive. The controller can process a maximum of 1000 simple BACnet objects. The actual number that can be implemented in the project can be reduced with complex object types. Start-up and configuration of the BACnet networks is performed using the WAGO BACnet Configurator's Windows software.", "familyName" : "Controller 750", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-0200000c0003b8c8000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0OTYwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURCbEwyZzVNaTh4TXprNU56ZzBOREUyT0Rjek5DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNR013TURBellqaGpPREF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGU0OWM4NDYyNmE5MDA1Njg2ZTU4NDY3NmUxOTY5YWNjZWVhMGVhODdhNjU0MGE3ZDM1MGQxOWMyMTI4NTM1NDY" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-0200000c0003b8c8000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzMjQ3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdRMkwyaG1NUzh4TXprNU56ZzBNelEwTnpnek9DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNR013TURBellqaGpPREF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGE4ODViMjFiNTU0NjgyM2Q1NTFiZmIwMzU4Yjc2Mzg5ZGU0MzM0N2U0MjVkOGI4OTc1ZWQ1MWI3MDQwZWQ1NWU" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-0200000c0003b8c8000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0MDYzOHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHRTBMMmhtWWk4eE16azVOemcwTXpFNE5UWTVOQzgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TUdNd01EQXpZamhqT0RBd01ETXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3w3YzhjNDcxZGFlZTVmNTQ0ZGZkZjBlMzk4YzVhMjViOWNlY2RjOTJiZWFlNmEwYTgwZWVkN2RhMTNkZjZjNTc5" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Controler BACnet/IP; generaţia 4; 2 x ETHERNET, slot card SD", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Controler BACnet/IP", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "buc.", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/plcs-controllers/controller-bacnet-ip/p/750-832", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/750-832" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Controller" ], "code" : "750-890", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "The Modbus TCP Controller can be used as a programmable controller within ETHERNET networks along with the WAGO I/O System. The controller supports all digital and analog input/output modules, as well specialty modules found within the 750/753 Series, and is suitable for data rates of 10/100 Mbit/s. Two ETHERNET interfaces and an integrated switch allow the fieldbus to be wired in a line topology, eliminating additional network devices, such as switches or hubs. Both interfaces support autonegotiation and Auto-MDI(X). The DIP switch configures the last byte of the IP address and may be used for IP address assignment. This controller supports Modbus TCP for use in industrial environments. It also supports a wide variety of standard ETHERNET protocols for easy integration into IT environments (e.g., HTTP(S), BootP, DHCP, DNS, SNTP, SNMP, (S)FTP). An integrated Webserver provides user configuration options, while displaying the controller's status information. The IEC 61131-3 programmable controller is multitasking-capable and features a capacitor-backed RTC. A data memory of 8 MB is available. The controller is equipped with a removable memory card slot. A memory card can be used to transfer device parameters or files (e.g., boot files) from one controller to another. The card can be accessed via FTP and used as an additional drive. 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Besides network and fieldbus interfaces, the controller supports all digital, analog and specialty I/O modules found within the 750/753 Series. Two ETHERNET interfaces and an integrated switch enable line topology wiring. The integrated cellular modem provides a wireless connection to the Internet and includes a radio license for EU countries. Other countries upon request. An integrated Webserver provides user configuration options, while displaying PFC200 status information. Besides standard machinery and equipment control, as well as building automation, typical applications for the PFC200 include decentralized data logging for the process industry. Advantages: Programming per IEC 61131-3 Programmable via e!COCKPIT Direct connection of WAGO's I/O modules 2 x ETHERNET (configurable), RS-232/485 Linux operating system with RT‐Preempt patch Configuration via e!COCKPIT or Web-Based Management interface Maintenance-free ", "familyName" : "Controller PFC", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-2272764-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0NDgwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURFMEwyZzVaQzh4TkRBd016RTROakUzTVRrek5DOHhNakJmTWpJM01qYzJORjlFUlM1cWNHY3w3ZDkwNjYzMDViYWRmNThiMjkwNWU1YjkyM2IxYWNiNTIyZTZmMDI3ZDAyZmRjOWM0N2Y4MGIzOGRhNmM2OTVm" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-2272764-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyODY4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURrNEwyZzBaUzh4TkRBd016RTROVGszTlRNeU5pOHlNREJmTWpJM01qYzJORjlFUlM1cWNHY3wwMGVmYzdkZDNlMDc5NzlhOThkZDUzZDdiZWZmZmZiOWZjMWIwNGVmYjBiYjUxZTQ1NDQ4YjljZGYzYmFkZTAy" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-2272764-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzOTI1MnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHUTNMMmcwWkM4eE5EQXdNekU0TlRrd09UYzVNQzgwT0RCZk1qSTNNamMyTkY5RVJTNXFjR2N8ZTkyZGMwMzc5ZTNjMjNiYjBlNjk5M2IwYTY5ZjRlY2NiMjc1MGI3MmY0NDAyZDVlNTQzNzNiYjIzMTA4ODRiNw" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Controler PFC200; Generaţia 2; 2 x ETHERNET, RS-232/-485, modul radio mobil 4G; Versiune EU", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Controler PFC200", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "buc.", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/plcs-controllers/controller-pfc200/p/750-8217", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/750-8217" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Controller" ], "code" : "750-8102", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "The PFC100 Controller is a compact PLC for the modular WAGO I/O System. 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Programming per IEC 61131-3 Programmable with CODESYS V3.5 from Firmware Release 23, WAGO-I/O-PRO V2.3 or e!COCKPIT up to Firmware Release 22 Direct connection of WAGO's I/O modules 2 x ETHERNET (configurable), RS-232/-485, CAN, CANopen, PROFIBUS DP Slave Linux operating system with RT‐Preempt patch Configuration via CODESYS, e!COCKPIT or Web-Based Management user interface Maintenance-free ", "familyName" : "Controller 750", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-0200002700033174000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzNDk2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdJeUwyZzVZUzh4TXpnd01ERXpNVEk1TnpNeE1DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNamN3TURBek16RTNOREF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDA4NTkxOWUzZWRhNjRkYTI1Y2QzNmFlMjc5ZjkyZTE5NWZjN2NmOTk5ZjUzOTUxODQyNTdkNDdlZjY1YTM0MTI" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-0200002700033174000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMDg1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURJd0wyZzVaaTh4TXpnd01ERXpNVEV3TURjd01pOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNamN3TURBek16RTNOREF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDYwYTliZDhkNjExNjMwM2Q3NjY5YWVhMTIyMzJmNjFkM2U5ZjU4YzhmN2U5MmI2ZWZkZTc0YWY2NDdlMGRhYjk" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-0200002700033174000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzMTUxNnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFETXhMMmhoTWk4eE16Z3dNREV6TVRBek5URTJOaTgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TWpjd01EQXpNekUzTkRBd01ERXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3w2MDE0ZTBjYTJmOTNiYmRkOTdmZTg4YWE4NGQ0NWM3ZTRlZDVjYzcyYzQ4MjJkOTRmNTI3ZjgwMzc3MjU5OTIw" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Controler PFC200; Generaţia 2; 2 x ETHERNET, RS-232/-485, CAN, CANopen, PROFIBUS Slave", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "productColor" : { "url" : "/medias/0003.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTB8aW1hZ2UvcG5nfGFXMWhaMlZ6TDJobU5DOW9ObVV2TVRBME1qa3pPVFkzTnprd016Z3VjRzVufGZlNjQ3OWYxNThiOTc1MjgxOWY3NzM2MzA4ODlmM2IwNzM2MWRmMmVmMjZkYjQ5MTJhNDU4NzBmMDNhOWEyOGQ" }, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Controler PFC200", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "buc.", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/plcs-controllers/controller-pfc200/p/750-8216", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/750-8216" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Controller" ], "code" : "750-8212/040-000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : " The PFC200 Controller is a compact PLC for the modular WAGO I/O System. Besides network and fieldbus interfaces, the controller supports all digital, analog and specialty modules found within the 750/753 Series. Two ETHERNET interfaces and an integrated switch enable line topology wiring. An integrated Webserver provides user configuration options, while displaying PFC200 status information. Besides the processing industry and building automation, typical applications for the PFC200 include standard machinery and equipment control (e.g., packaging, bottling and manufacturing systems, as well as textile, metal and wood processing machines). Programming per IEC 61131-3 Programmable with CODESYS V3.5 from Firmware Release 23, WAGO-I/O-PRO V2.3 or e!COCKPIT up to Firmware Release 22 Direct connection of WAGO's I/O modules 2 x ETHERNET (configurable), RS-232/-485 Linux operating system with RT‐Preempt patch Configuration via CODESYS, e!COCKPIT or Web-Based Management user interface Maintenance-free The device is ideal for operation in extreme environments thanks to: An extended temperature range Greater immunity to impulse voltages and electromagnetic interference Higher vibration and shock resistance ", "familyName" : "Controller PFC XTR", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-3998131-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzODY0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdVMkwyZzRZeTh4TkRBd01UWTBOams1TXpRek9DOHhNakJmTXprNU9ERXpNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3w3MGNmYmU5NWFjOWJjZTFmMTA3MDExMjhhZTkxMDg2YjdjNzZhMWIwMmM2NmUzMzFjYTcxNjA4MDY1NjYwY2M4" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-3998131-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMzM3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdJM0wyZzVNeTh4TkRBd01UWTBOamM1Tmpnek1DOHlNREJmTXprNU9ERXpNVjlFUlM1cWNHY3xkOGZhOGE1M2YyYmJlNjUyZTEzOWE4MjVhYTkzMTRiOTlkOTZjMTRiM2Q2YzVjNDc4YmQzMTg5MTBkZDE3ZGNk" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-3998131-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wzMTgyNnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEWTFMMmc1TkM4eE5EQXdNVFkwTmpjek1USTVOQzgwT0RCZk16azVPREV6TVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8ZDUzN2ZiNzViZWRhYzQ5MjllZDdlMDBiZTYyZTIyNGU3MWM2NjM2ZDY0NDljNmI5NDQzOTJhZDkyNDE5NWEyOA" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Controler PFC200; Generaţia 2; 2 x ETHERNET, RS-232/-485; Extreme", "newProduct" : false, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "productColor" : { "url" : "/medias/0002.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTB8aW1hZ2UvcG5nfGFXMWhaMlZ6TDJoak1TOW9OMk12TVRBME1qa3pPVFk1TVRBeE1UQXVjRzVufGVjZDRiNWQ3YTEyYjQzY2FhMDhiYzBiNTA4M2ZhYTFlM2JkMDllOWRhOTQ4YmUxOGRkZGE2NTIyODg5OTVkZjg" }, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Controler PFC200", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "buc.", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/plcs-controllers/controller-pfc200/p/750-8212_040-000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/750-8212/040-000" } ], "sorts" : [ { "code" : "relevance", "name" : "Relevance", "resultTypes" : [ "all", "career", "download", "product", "service", "solutions", "company" ], "selected" : true }, { "code" : "code-asc", "name" : "Număr articol (ascendent)", "resultTypes" : [ "product" ], "selected" : false }, { "code" : "code-desc", "name" : "Număr articol (descendent)", "resultTypes" : [ "product" ], "selected" : false }, { "code" : "creationtime", "name" : "", "resultTypes" : [ "product" ], "selected" : false } ] }