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"description" : " The WAGO Load Management Controller, with the pre-installed WAGO Application Load Management, is a dynamic load management system for regulating the total charging power at a grid connection point that accounts for the maximum connection capacity. This solution prevents grid connection expansion and eliminates peak loads caused by EV charging. One license key is required per individual charging point. After receipt, the license key can be uploaded in the “Configuration” tab. This enables a charging point with dynamic load management. Counters are exempt from this; no additional license keys are required for them. Functions through license activation: Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.) Excess charging Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID) Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber) Compatible licenses (charging points): 8101-2000/000-021 WAGO Application Load Management; 01 charging point 8101-2000/000-022 WAGO Application Load Management; 05 charging points 8101-2000/000-023 WAGO Application Load Management; 15 charging points 8101-2000/000-024 WAGO Application Load Management; 30 charging points Activate and download license keys: https://walm.license.wago.com ",
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"description" : " Function: “Building Automation and Control Networks” (BACnet) is a data transfer protocol for building automation that simplifies communication between products from different manufacturers. The PFC200 Controller (2nd generation) can be operated as a BACnet building controller and supports the B-BC device profile with all major BACnet objects and interoperability building blocks (BIBBs). The device communicates via BACnet/IP and offers the functionality of a BACnet Client and BACnet Server. To use BACnet/IP, it is necessary to equip the device with a license. The BACnet network is configured using the WAGO BACnet Configurator and the Engineering Software. Benefits: Use the device as a BACnet Building Controller (B-BC) Control and detect distributed I/O signals from WAGO BACnet/IP Couplers via BACnet Fieldbus Protocol Data exchange with other BACnet Devices as a BACnet Client or Server Use: The license is registered in WAGO Upload and loaded onto a device. No other installation steps are required. Technical Data: See “Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement” (PICS) Compatible Controllers: 750-8210 PFC200; G2; 4ETH 750-8211 PFC200; G2; 2ETH 2SFP 750-8212 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS 750-8213 PFC200; G2; 2ETH CAN 750-8216 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN DPS 750-8217 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS; 4G ",
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"description" : " WAGO-I/O-CHECK is an easy-to-use Windows application for operating and displaying a WAGO I/O System 750's node without connecting to a fieldbus system. The software reads the configuration from the node and displays it graphically on the screen. This graphic can be printed together with a configuration list as documentation. With WAGO-I/O-CHECK, it is possible to display and specify the process data of the I/O modules. The field wiring, including all sensors and actuators, can thus be checked before startup. For some types of interface, Pt100 and thermocouple modules, application-specific settings can be made, such as the baud rate or sensor types. The coupler must be connected to a free serial or USB port of the PC using the communication cable supplied in the set with the system to enable communication between WAGO‐I/O‐CHECK and the node. ",
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"description" : "Function: Communication according to the IEC 61850 Protocol can be conveniently parameterized with the configurator integrated into the e!COCKPIT Software. The configurator sets up the reading of IEC 61850 object data from protection devices, for example. If the configuration of the third-party device is available in IEC 61850 SCL exchange format, it can be read in using the configurator's import functions. Alternatively, it is also possible to read the configuration from the third-party device using the configurator's online browsing function. With this license, the IEC 61850 Protocol can be activated on the client. This permits the creation of gateways that convert one protocol into another, e.g., allowing protection devices to be read out via IEC 61850 and data to be transmitted to the network control system via IEC 60870-5-104. The IEC 61850 Client processes data from up to 4 servers with each 10 requests. Your Benefits: Use the controller as a telecontrol master (client) to read data from IEC 61850 Protection Devices (servers) and process it locally in the controller. Create a gateway application to use this client function to forward read data to a higher-level control system or cloud. This may require additional software licenses, such as the WAGO IEC 60870 Slave, DNP 3 Slave, Sparkplug or WAGO Cloud. Use: Enter the license into e!COCKPIT, assign it to a device and load both the license and project into the controller. No other installation steps are required. Technical Data: See Product Manual “Configuring the IEC 61850 Protocol with the Telecontrol Configurator and e!COCKPIT.“",
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"description" : "WAGO IO-Link Configurator enables configuration and parameterization, as well as operation and monitoring of WAGO IO-Link Masters in the WAGO I/O System 750 and WAGO I/O System Field and, in particular, the WAGO IO-Link devices connected to them. Additionally, WAGO IO-Link Configurator can be used for complete configuration and operation of all IO-devices of third-party manufacturers, as long as they comply with the IO-Link specification. A product’s process data can be visualized graphically and stored in trend curves. Up to eight elements can be selected for visualization, and the data can be recorded for up to 24 hours. Device description files for the IO-Link Masters (IOLM) or IO-Link Devices (IODD) can be used to integrate new devices into the tool at any time. Convenient access to the IO-Link user organization’s IODD finder is available for the IODDs. This allows automated, selective download of IODDs when integrating new IO-Link devices. WAGO IO-Link Configurator can be used either as a standalone program or integrated into engineering systems with a TCI interface and WAGO-I/O-CHECK. An integrated IODD viewer allows detailed insight into the IODD device description. The license is assigned to the respective PC on which it is installed (workstation license).",
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"description" : " Analytics Connection Directly from the PLC Program WAGO Library Analytics makes it easy to leverage optimization potential. The new “WAGO Library Analytics” software solution for WAGO Controllers allows you to analyze, evaluate and optimize processes without leaving the familiar PLC programming environment. You can use WAGO Library Analytics without entering the IT and Linux® environment directly; numerous function modules support data acquisition, analysis, and evaluation. The analysis, evaluation and optimization functions run in the background on high-performance WAGO Edge Computers. A ready-to-run installation package is available for these devices. All the data stays within the local network, so no Internet connection to additional systems is necessary. Additional data sources can be connected conveniently via Node-RED, for example. Tools like Grafana can be used for visualization, allowing you to view data quickly and easily in dashboards. Misconduct in the process can be identified by anomaly detection. Process values can be predicted by a time series forecast. Furthermore, gradual changes can be detected by trend and drift detection. The integration of individual data analysis is possible by integrating pre-trained machine learning models. In addition, custom functionalities can be implemented and integrated into Python. Typical applications for WAGO Library Analytics include analyzing production processes with regard to optimization potential, monitoring machine states and implementing predictive maintenance intervals. Your Benefits: An easy way to start with process data analysis Support throughout all analysis project phases Quick and easy data visualization Link to download: https://www.wago.com/de/d/swreg_wago_application_analytics_c ",
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"description" : "Function: EtherCAT® is a powerful real-time ETHERNET fieldbus system that has become standard in many industrial automation applications. The PFC200 Controller (2nd generation) can run as an EtherCAT® master. This requires a license. The EtherCAT® system is configured via special configuration dialogs in the e!COCKPIT Engineering Software. These specify: That the controller should function as an EtherCAT® master What field devices should be addressed What form the topology of the network takes What parameter values should be sent to the slaves upon startup Besides the protocol stack in the form of a library, the runtime system also provides components for direct access to the ETHERNET interface and diagnostics. Benefits: Using the PFC200 as an EtherCAT® Master Controlling WAGO slaves with the EtherCAT® fieldbus system, e.g., the EtherCAT® Fieldbus Coupler of the WAGO I/O System 750 Controlling additional field devices, which can be declared in e!COCKPIT via a standardized device description Use: Enter the license into e!COCKPIT, assign it to a controller and load both the license and project into the controller. No other installation steps are required. Technical Data: Distributed clocks Hot connect Bus diagnostics: In the configurator and with the PLC application Supported layer 7 protocols: CoE (CANopen/CAN over EtherCAT®) FoE (File over EtherCAT®) VoE (Vendor over EtherCAT®) Compatible Controllers:\t 750-8212; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS 750-8213; PFC200; G2; 2ETH CAN 750-8214; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN 750-8215; PFC200; G2; 4ETH CAN USB 750-8216; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN DPS Besides the basic controller variants listed here, the license can also be used on these controllers' variants. For details, see the product information of the corresponding controller. For detailed information on the controllers, go to: www.wago.com/itemnumbers",
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"description" : "Function: EtherNet/IP is one of the leading industrial ETHERNET fieldbus systems in the US. It adapts the “Common Industrial Protocol” (CIP), familiar from classic fieldbuses, to standard ETHERNET and has become a standard in many industrial automation applications. Some WAGO devices can be operated as EtherNet/IP scanners to provide fieldbus master functionality. This requires that the devices are equipped with a license. The EtherNet/IP system is configured via special configuration dialogs in the e!COCKPIT Engineering Software. These specify: That the device should function as an EtherNet/IP scanner What field devices should be addressed On which control program variables the process values are to be mapped Which communication parameters must be observed and What parameter values should be sent to the slaves upon startup Besides the protocol stack in the form of a library, the runtime system also provides components for direct access to the EtherNet/IP services (e.g., for reading and writing attributes). Benefits: Using the device as an EtherNet/IP scanner (master) Controlling WAGO slaves with the EtherNet/IP fieldbus system, e.g., the EtherNet/IP Fieldbus Coupler of the WAGO I/O System 750 Controlling additional field devices that can be addressed as EtherNet/IP adapters and which can be declared in e!COCKPIT, e.g., via a standardized device description Use: Enter the license into e!COCKPIT, assign it to a device and load both the license and project into the device. No other installation steps are required. Technical Data: EDS import Device status display Connection error display Connection types: Class 1 (I/O messaging) Class 3 (explicit messaging) Unconnected message (UCMM) I/O connection types: Point-to-point and multicast Cyclic transmission Exclusive owner, listen only, input only Compatible Controllers:\t 750-8212; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS 750-8213; PFC200; G2; 2ETH CAN 750-8214; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN 750-8215; PFC200; G2; 4ETH CAN USB 750-8216; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN DPS Besides the basic controller variants listed here, the license can also be used on these controllers' variants. For details, see the product information of the corresponding controller. For detailed information on the controllers, go to: www.wago.com/itemnumbers",
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