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Focusing on the Digital Transformation

“The digital transformation is a vital factor for our success.”

“WAGO is setting a clear strategic focus here which includes all Group divisions and which is consistently aligned to the needs and demands of our customers”, declares Chief Marketing Officer Christian Sallach, who took over in May of this year as head of the newly created “Digital Transformation Office” business management unit at WAGO as the Chief Digital Officer. The unit is responsible for strategic bundling and promotion of all digital content within the company.


Flexible Production with Decentralized Automation

Adaptable production processes are the key to flexibility, efficiency and lot size 1. With DIMA from WAGO, your production adapts flexibly to any challenge.


Digitized Engineering

Seamless data, software tools and interfaces: From planning to delivery of a switchgear unit, WAGO’s smartDATA offers digital support for your engineering process.


Recommended Reading

Ideas for the Challenges of Tomorrow

Energy Management

Identify and Exploit Potential

Saving energy is good for the environment and for business. Performing the right analysis and taking the right steps can lead to sustainable profit. WAGO is your partner for effective energy management.

Energy Management
Lighting Management

The Intelligent Solution for Lighting Controllers

Put lighting into service faster and reduce overhead with simple operation: WAGO makes this possible!

Lighting Management