Application Controllers: Registration and Download

We are pleased that you are interested in our new application controllers. These controllers make configuring, controlling and visualizing your projects easier.

The application controllers are designed for processing WAGO applications.
You can identify the possible controllers for each application solution by the different item numbers. 
By registering on the WAGO Website, we make the latest version of the specific software available to you by email and can help you with any questions at any time.



Kombiner en højtydende controller med software, som automatisk registrerer de forskellige signaler fra tilsluttede målere og sensorer. Energiovervågning, enkelt og fleksibelt.


Lighting management

Ved hjælp af en kombination af forkonfigureret hardware og brugervenlig software hjælper WAGO Lighting Management med design og idriftsættelse af nye belysningssystemer og giver samtidig adskillige fordele ved betjeningen af dem.


Room Management

In order to use the full scope of the application controller, you need the flexROOM® Software. The software is available after registration. By registering, we make the latest version of the software available to you by e-mail and can help you with any questions at any time.


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