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Welcome to WAGO – The Global Player Next Door

Leading Technology Made in Minden

Since the first patented terminal block, we have become a global leader in electrical interconnection and automation technology. What we have retained: the character of a family-owned company with lived values – reliability, solution-oriented, partnership-based – for our customers and our approximately 9,000 employees in 80 countries, with whom we work not only on new products but also on sustainable paths into the future.

Guarantor for a Healthy Career-Life Balance

  • Working at a company with a history and future
  • Active promotion through coaching and continuing education
  • Thinking globally, living locally: attractive locations
  • Actively shaping digitalization and sustainability
  • Our benefits program balances work and personal life

Combinations Instead of Compromises

We believe in the power of connections. Especially when good things are combined: a promising career with sufficient time – for yourself, for the family, for further education – a high professional standard with a healthy working environment and a culture of constant change with stability for secure jobs.


Creating Big Things with Small Parts

Our products are complex, but our way of working is simple: We rely on quality and responsibility – through technology, whose safety and sustainability we are constantly developing. The same applies, of course, to our employees. We create a healthy working environment within the company where you can work independently – the perfect basis for further development in a safe working environment.

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We're Growing. Grow with Us.

WAGO: A Good Place to Work!

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Get Acquainted with WAGO

Strong Connections

When the world began to network, we were there. Today, we’re focusing more than ever on strong connections – within the company and for our customers and partners.


Being in the middle – Our 360° Tour

Discover our campus in a 360° view and gain a deeper insight into the world of WAGO.