The Press Shop
In a press shop, finished body parts are created in a variety of steps. Sheet metal is shaped under high pressure in pressing lines. Unfortunately, subsequent vibrations can sometimes result in costly equipment downtime. WAGO products are designed to ensure reliable, maintenance-free connections regardless of vibration or other environmental conditions.
Why use WAGO?
- EMC resistance is a basic prerequisite for all of our products, guranteeing smooth operation - even under severe conditions.
- Our proven spring pressure connection technology reduces costs and increases reliability.
- We offer complete solutions for logging machine and energy data.
The Paint Shop
In the paint shop, many different sequences must synchronize safely. It is necessary for equipment to interact with one another efficiently. Because the paint shop is a zero-error area, this places the extremely high demands upon electrical componentry. WAGO offers a wide range of products that are optimized for a perfect painting process.
Why use WAGO?
- Intrinsically safe EX i modules allow use in hazardous locations.
- WAGO's controllers, as well as M-Bus, counter, thermocouple and RTD measurement modules help monitor, control, and regulate processes.
- The WAGO I/O SYSTEM Field is designed to offer IP67 protection for a variety of paint booth environments.
The Body Shop
Producing a 'body in white' places maximum demands on system availability, as well as upon safety and reliability during production. These demands multiply when independently manufactured products are introduced into the same master system. Fortunately, WAGO products are designed to help meet these challenges quickly, simply, and safely.
Why use WAGO?
- WAGO's automation products speak many languages, such as: PROFINET, Ethernet/IP, DeviceNet and more.
- Using WAGO products means simplified integration into complex automation solutions.
- Our spring pressure technology assures fast, efficient component exchange.
The Powertrain
The term "powertrain" describes the production of highly precise transmission gears, as well as crankshafts for engines. A powertrain requires that finished components must be ready for installation in the right engine or transmission at precisely the right moment. WAGO fulfills these requirements with products designed specifically for these tasks.
Why use WAGO?
- WAGO's automation products already fulfill IIoT/industry 4.0 requirements.
- Setting sensor parameters using I/O modules in the WAGO control environment reduces commissioning and standstill times in your plants.
- Rail-mount terminal blocks with POWER CAGE CLAMP securely connect large conductors up to 185 mm⊃2; (350 kcmil).
Final Assembly
When the drivetrain and engine are bolted to the body, the Final Assembly is complete. A high degree of precision and control is required to ensure that all components are connected correctly during this process. WAGO PLCs help fulfill these requirements and ensure that functional areas are in failsafe operation around the clock.
Why use WAGO?
- Our decentralized controllers in an IIoT/Industry 4.0 environment ensure flexible production control systems.
- WAGO pick-to-light control solutions are designed to connect to production control systems.
- Reliability and precesion are designed into every WAGO component.