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When selecting corresponding charging stations with more than one connection, an additional window for selecting the \"plug\" opens. You can select the number of the charging plug (slot 1 = ID 0, slot 2 = ID 1). <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-10831738", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796815128757", "question" : "\"How do I integrate a charging station with two separate charging points into the WAGO Load Management application? \"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796815128757" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Yes - the license manager of <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels/engineering-software-ecockpit\"><strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em></a> can be used to remove a license. The license key can then be used on another device. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223786", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796814145717", "question" : "\"Can I completely delete an <strong><em>e</em></strong><em>!COCKPIT</em> license again?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796814145717" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Please ensure that the version of the <em><strong>e!</strong>COCKPIT</em> library <strong><a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/d/15718\">WagoAppCloud</a></strong> is compatible with the firmware version. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223827", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796816373941", "question" : "\"After an update, no data is transferred to the cloud at all. What can I do?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796816373941" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Our <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/contact#wago-support-contact-anchor\">support team</a> will be happy to assist you in such cases. Please have your license certificate ready. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223785", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796813981877", "question" : "\"When installing the <strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em> license, I receive the error message that the license is invalid. What do I have to do?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796813981877" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"No, not without a separate contractual arrangement.<a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/software/e-cockpit/p/2759-101_1110-4000\">Buy-out licenses</a> only allow the respective contractual partner to use the software and the associated license key for an unlimited number of PCs at an unlimited number of locations. If subsidiaries, for example sales companies, are to be included in the license, this must be expressly stated in the order confirmation by mentioning the subsidiaries, for example through the following wording: \"In addition to the contractual partner (as a directly authorized user), the following companies affiliated with it are also entitled to use to the same extent: ...\" <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223748", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796816505013", "question" : "\"Can buy-out licenses also be used by other companies within a group?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796816505013" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"<a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/software/e-cockpit/p/2759-101_1110-2002\">Workplace</a> and <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/software/e-cockpit/p/2759-101_1110-2005\">multiple licenses</a> are transferable when they are fully transferred. This means that you do not retain a copy of the license when you share it, i.e. the license key is no longer enabled on any of your PCs. You can remove a license from <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels/engineering-software-ecockpit\"><strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em></a> in the License Manager. <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/software/e-cockpit/p/2759-101_1110-4000\">Buy-out licenses</a> are not transferable. However, it is permitted that the software is installed in the company’s products that contain WAGO automation technology and thus form a functional unit. For example, a mechanical engineer who has purchased a buy-out license may install <strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em> on any PC permanently installed in the machines sold. However, the license key itself may not be passed on in this case. <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/software/e-cockpit/p/2759-101_1110-3000\">Site licenses</a> are not transferable. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223840", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796814473397", "question" : "\"Can a license be transferred to another person or resold to customers (OEM)?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796814473397" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"No, for <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels/engineering-software-ecockpit\"><strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em></a>, we do not offer individual licenses. Instead, we have made our <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/c/software?sort=relevance&f=%3ASerie%3A2759\">workplace licenses</a> especially attractive in terms of price. Alternatively, you have the option of purchasing a <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/sps/starterkit/p/8003-099_750-8100\">starter kit license</a> together with a starter kit. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223761", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796817062069", "question" : "\"Are individual licenses also available?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796817062069" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Our <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/contact#wago-support-contact-anchor\">support team</a> will be happy to assist you in such cases. Please have your license certificate ready. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223784", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796814047413", "question" : "\"When installing the <strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em> license, I receive the error message that the license cannot be stored on my PC. What do I have to do?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796814047413" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Please use the license manager of <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels/engineering-software-ecockpit\"><strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT to</em></a> always remove the license before reinstalling the PC operating system or replacing the PC completely. After the new installation or replacement, you can simply reactivate the license. If it is not possible to remove the license in advance, for example because your PC is defective, please contact our <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/contact#wago-support-contact-anchor\">support team</a>. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223792", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796815718581", "question" : "\"I want to install a new operating system or completely replace the PC. What do I need to know about the <strong><em>e</em></strong><em>!COCKPIT</em> license?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796815718581" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Yes, <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels/engineering-software-ecockpit\"><strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em></a> can and may also be installed on virtual machines. Some license types require a one-time Internet connection for activation. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223836", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796814309557", "question" : "\"Can I use <strong><em>e</em></strong><em>!COCKPIT</em> on a virtual machine?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796814309557" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Basically already - please note, however, that the intrinsic stability of a single-pole <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-de-raccordement/découvrir-connexion-circuits-imprimés\">PCB terminal block</a> is lower than that of a multi-pole terminal strip. Therefore, make sure that single-pole terminal blocks are protected against excessive mechanical stress, such as torsional or bending stress, both when connecting the conductor and during subsequent use. For example, use additional supports, ensure brief clamping of the connected conductor and observe the corresponding operating instructions for operation. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223758", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796817029301", "question" : "\"Can I also use single-pole PCB terminal blocks?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796817029301" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Yes - after installation, you can use <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels/engineering-software-ecockpit\"><strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em></a> as a free trial for 30 days. Only the days on which you actually use the engineering software count. A license must be purchased after the 30-day period. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223819", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796814964917", "question" : "\"Is <strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em> also available in a trial version?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796814964917" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Licenses are sent by email. In addition to the customer name and license key, this email also contains a PDF file with the license certificate. This allows you to conveniently print and archive all the important information. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223763", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796817094837", "question" : "\"How do I get a license?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796817094837" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Since the WAGO Smart Printer is a thermal transfer printer, the color of the printed font is determined by the inserted ink ribbon. Ink ribbons in black (Item No. 258-5005) and red (Item No. 258-5014) are available for the Smart Printer (258-5000). <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "categoryHierarchy" : "Others > Marking Material", "id" : "pfaq-8109050", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796815915189", "question" : "\"How can the font color be changed?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796815915189" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"No, we do not offer floating licenses, a <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/c/software?sort=relevance&f=%3ASerie%3A2759\">license</a> is always linked to a PC. However, you can transfer a license to another device. To do this, simply remove the license on the desired PC in <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels/engineering-software-ecockpit\"><strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em></a>'s License Manager. The license key can then be used on another device. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223765", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796817160373", "question" : "\"Can licenses be stored centrally on a server and the project computers are authenticated online from there (floating licenses)?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796817160373" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Our software license is a 40-character key that you use to purchase the right to use <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels/engineering-software-ecockpit\"><strong><em>e</em></strong><em>!COCKPIT</em></a>. In short: The license key turns a limited-time trial version into an unlimited full version. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223754", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796816668853", "question" : "\"What is a license and why do I need it?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796816668853" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Yes, if these are different <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/c/software?sort=relevance&f=%3ASerie%3A2759\">licenses,</a> e.g., one license for <strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em> and other licenses for add-ons. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223787", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796814112949", "question" : "\"Can I install multiple licenses on one computer in parallel?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796814112949" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"With an <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/c/software?sort=relevance&f=%3ASerie%3A2759\"><strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em> license</a>, you can use the engineering software on a PC without restriction, regardless of the number of controllers. However, depending on the project, you may need a separate license for the <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/c/software?sort=relevance&f=%3ASerie%3A2759\">runtime software</a> for each controller. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223730", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796815423669", "question" : "\"Do I also need multiple licenses to program multiple controllers?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796815423669" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Yes, we can block <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/c/software?sort=relevance&f=%3ASerie%3A2759\">licenses</a> centrally and reserve the right to do so for illegally used <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-d-apos-automatisation/découvrir-logiciels\">software</a>. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "id" : "pfaq-7223815", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796814801077", "question" : "\"Can <strong><em>e!</em></strong><em>COCKPIT</em> be blocked in the event of unauthorized license use?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796814801077" }, { "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "WagoFaqQuestion", "faqQuestionData" : { "answer" : "\"Commoning comb-style jumper bars and double-<a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-de-raccordement/découvrir-bornes-sur-rail\">pitch</a> jumper bars in conductor entry slots can be used in the 279, 280, 281, 780 and 781 Series <a href=\"/ch-fr/technique-de-raccordement/découvrir-bornes-sur-rail\">Classic Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks</a>. A series-specific operating tool (e.g., <a href=\"https://www.wago.com/de/werkzeuge/betaetigungswerkzeug/p/280-440\">280-440)</a> is required for insertion. Conductor termination is no longer possible where a comb-style jumper bar or a double-spacing comb-style jumper bar has been placed.Comb-style jumper bars and double-spacing comb-style jumper bars cannot be inserted into the jumper slots of the 279, 280, 281 and 780 and 781 Series Classic Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks. <p>This FAQ has been machine translated.</p>\"", "categoryHierarchy" : "Electrical Interconnections > Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks", "id" : "pfaq-7223747", "newUntil" : false, "pk" : "8796816210101", "question" : "\"Can I use a comb-style jumper bar in the 279, 280, 281, 780 and 781 Series Classic Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks?\"", "relevant" : false }, "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "newProduct" : false, "sampleProduct" : false, "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "uuid" : "8796816210101" } ], "sorts" : [ { "code" : "relevance", "name" : "Relevance", "resultTypes" : [ "all", "career", "download", "product", "service", "solutions", "company" ], "selected" : true } ] }