
Инструкции за киберсигурност

Когато става дума за софтуер и киберсигурност, WAGO проактивно ви оказва помощ, за да защитите най-добре съществуващите промишлени автоматизирани процеси. Когато и да възникнат нови потенциални заплахи, ние ще ви дадем препоръки, пачове и актуализации възможно най-бързо, за да сведем риска до минимум.

Във всеки случай най-добрата защита е да се има предвид проблема с киберсигурността и да защитите своите активи и системи от неоторизиран достъп и зловреден софтуер.
Когато се инсталират продукти с ETHERNET интерфейси, ние препоръчваме да следвате инструкциите, дадени тук, както и съответната информация в нашите продуктови ръководства.

Statement on the security gap in the Java library Log4j

As the media have already reported, there is currently a critical security gap in the Java library Log4j. According to the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in Germany, this gap leads to a critical threat situation for applications based on it.

We have intensively tested our products for the use of Log4j.

So far, Log4j is known to be used for the WAGO Smart Script labelling software from version 4.2. The security gap will be closed with Smart Script version, which is already available.

Download version An advisory is also in preparation.

With this latest software update you will automatically receive all update information for the Smart Script Marking Software. 

All other WAGO products are not affected by the security vulnerability in Log4j, as this library or technology is not used.

Should new findings emerge in the course of the investigations, we will inform you shortly.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team (

Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure (KRITIS)

WAGO’s diverse selection of automation technology has put to use in numerous applications, for many years, in different industries around the world. That’s why it makes so much sense for external IT security experts to take a very close look at it – since doing so provides even greater cybersecurity with WAGO components. How so? Because our systems are being continually put to the test, constant updates make them more and more secure.

This is especially helpful in terms of our commitment to the energy industry, since attackers on the network often focus precisely on sensitive critical infrastructure (KRITIS). To get ahead of unauthorized access attempts, external security experts are constantly and proactively stressing our automation components in order to identify potential risks at an early stage. This gives us and our partners the opportunity not only to identify any security vulnerabilities early on, but also to fix them promptly – before they can be exploited.

WAGO’s “Product Security Incident Response Team” (PSIRT) provides you with information on security vulnerabilities, including security advisories, in an RSS feed, so you’re always up to date.

Contact details

For further questions, please contact our support:

How do you report security vulnerabilities to WAGO?

Help make industrial automation more secure – report incidents and security issues.

Your report should contain the following information:

  • Product/application in question
  • Description of the vulnerability
  • If available: proof of concept

Contact details

Please report any incidents either directly to the WAGO PSIRT Team or to CERT@VDE.

If you have questions about security vulnerabilities of WAGO products or are unsure whether security vulnerabilities are relevant to your WAGO product, feel free to contact our WAGO support team.

The WAGO support team assists you with issues related to:

  • Security vulnerabilities
  • WAGO products

Contact details

For questions about security vulnerabilities or WAGO products, please contact:

Current reports are available here


You can find the latest reports on product vulnerabilities at WAGO and security advisories here.

Subscribe to RSS feed

Subscribe to our RSS feed so you won’t miss a single new WAGO PSIRT report.

RSS Feed for Smartphone or Tablet

You need a feed reader (e.g., Feedly), which you can download from the App Store or Play Store.
Copy the Link of the feed:
Add this Link directly to your feed reader on your smartphone or tablet.

At a Glance:

  • Download a feed reader from the App Store or Play Store. 

  • Add the Link of the feed to your feed reader.

RSS Feed in Outlook

Copy the Link of the RSS feed:
In Outlook, search your folders for the “RSS Feeds” folder. Right-click on the folder and select “Add a New RSS Feed.”
In the dialog field, you can now add the Link of the RSS feed.

At a Glance:

  • Search for the Outlook folder “RSS Feeds.”

  • Select “Add a New RSS Feed.”

  • Enter the Link of the RSS feed in the dialog field.

RSS Feed in a Browser

Create an account with a feed reader, such as Feedly
Copy the Link of the RSS feed:
Add the Link to your feed reader.

At a Glance:

  • Create an account with a feed reader.

  • Add the Link of the RSS feed to the feed reader. 

Препоръчителна информация

Продукти и решения на WAGO


Контролер PFC100

Максимална производителност, минимален размер. Контролер PFC100 на WAGO е идеалният за употреба както в преработващата промишленост, така и в машиностроенето.


Контролер PFC200

Ефективният контролер за вашият проект за автоматизация – благодарение на CODESYS V3 и Linux®. Включва по-високи стандарти за киберсигурност за защитени проектиране, контрол и визуализация на вашия проект.


Контролер PFC200 XTR

Предназначен за екстремни среди и изключително опасни зони. С това решение от WAGO, вие управлявате там, където другите контролери не могат и не смеят да отидат.

Embedded Linux

Включен контрол

Ние обединяваме нещата, които са предназначени едно за друго: Високо производителният хардуер на WAGO и операционната система Linux®, подготвена за бъдещето.


Това също може да ви заинтересува

Въпроси и решения на WAGO


Защита чрез интелигентни връзки

Успоредно с напредъка на цифровизацията, жизненоважно значение придобива задачата производствените данни да получават висока степен на защита. WAGO ви помага да опазвате ценни данни с интелигентни продукти и решения.
