Challenges Facing Adaptable Production
Consumer behavior has definitely changed. Goods custom-made for the individual buyer, while once considered as rather a luxury, are now simply expected. And the consequences for production? It must keep pace, so continually shrinking batch sizes can still be manufactured profitably. New production structures are called for, along with a new approach in mechanical and plant engineering.
The DIMA concept (Decentralized Intelligence for Modular Applications) that WAGO introduced in 2014 was the impetus for the NAMUR recommendation NE 148, followed by the standard VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658. This is the basis for MTP (Module Type Package), which enables modern production design.
The MTP Solution
With the Module Type Package (MTP), properties of process modules are functionally described – regardless of manufacturer and technology. The self-contained modules, which can come from different manufacturers, are easily reused and interconnected into complex overall systems with little effort. Functionalities encapsulated within the modules reduce dependencies among each other, ensuring largely interference-free behaviors.
Your Benefits:
Simple integration and exchangeability of system modules
Greater flexibility and speed through reusable, standardized modules
Module Description with Just One Click
What is MTP and What Can It Do?
An MTP includes the following information:
- Description of the data objects
- Description of the control image
- In the future: Description of services, etc.
This description file can be read in and processed by higher-level systems, such as visualization or process control systems, called “Process Orchestration Layer” (POL) in the following. Given is basic intention and functionality, MTP can be accurately compared to a printer driver. The driver, too, has the goal of connecting subsystems − in this case, a printer – to a central computer, regardless of manufacturer. Connect, switch on – print. Or, in the jargon of factory automation and process technology, “Plug and Produce.”