Corporate Design

Printed Media

Cover Design

The cover designs of brochures and other printed media follow the rules explained in the section “Our Layout System“ and “Promotional & Functional”.

These rules give the designer enough flexibility to create the right tonalities.

Type Area

The type area is derived from the logo size depending on the format. The margin of the type area is 2X on each side.

The section “Our Logo“ provides a table with the X-value for all common print formats and the rules for determining it for unconventional and digital formats.


The Grid

The grid of an DIN A4 publication consists of six columns with gutters of 4,5mm. The gutter width corresponds well with the standard baseline grid.
This grid guarantees a big variety of layouts while being clean, modern and structured at the same time.
For a lot smaller or bigger publications the number of columns might either be reduced or increased, while the size of the body copy and the baseline grid should remain the same.

The Baseline Grid

The standard baseline grid is built and optimised for Aktiv Grotesk in 9pt, which provides the best readability for body copy. It is devided every 13pt.

The body copy should always be aligned to the baseline grid. If headlines or subheadlines consist of more than one line, at least the first line should be aligned to the baseline grid. If the line spacing of headlines and subheadlines fits into the baseline grid they should be completely aligned.

Smaller texts such as captions do not need to be aligned to the baseline grid.


Paper and Materials

MediaMaterialTrade nameWeight of paper
Flyer and folders (2 - 8 pages)Paper image print, matte coated, woodfreeMaxisilk150g
Brochure (8 pages)Paper image print, matte coated, woodfreeMaxisilk150g
Brochure (12 - 64 pages)Cardboard/paper image print, matte coated, woodfreeMaxisilkCover 200g / Content 150g
Finishing of brochures/flyers/foldersWater-based coating, mate
Catalogue coversChromium sulphate cardboardMultiCard300g
Catalogue inner pagesPaper image print, matte coated, lightly wood-containingBavaria matt80g
Finishing catalogue coversMatte foil
Business cardsOpale cardboard, glossy, extra-whiteOpale cardboard300g
Sample cardsCardboard image print, matte coated, woodfreeMultiArt silk350g
Portfolio (pocket version)Cardboard image print, glossy, woodfreeMultiCard gloss300g
Portfolio (filing version)Chromolux cardboardChromolux 700350g
WAGO-News, 150gPaper image print, matte coated, woodfreeMaxisilk150g
WAGO-News, 80gPaper image print, matte coated, lightly wood-containingspeedmatt leicht hh80g
Business letterOffset papersopor set preprint80g
Christmas cardCardboard image print, matte coated, woodfreeGalaxi Supermat250g

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Your contact person at WAGO

WAGO Design-Team

If any questions occur concerning the design guidelines or the design assets, please do not hesitate to contact us. Also, if you need any help with your design we will be happy to assist you.

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