[ { "uid": "link_contact", "linkName": "Contact", "url": "/global/contact#wago-support-contact-anchor", "target": "_self", "classAttributes": "phone" } ]
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "Event", "name": "CODESYS 3.5 with ETHERNET and MODBUS | Webtraining", "description": "", "startDate": "Tue May 06 09:00:00 CEST 2025", "endDate": "Thu May 08 14:30:00 CEST 2025", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "WAGO" , "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "", "addressLocality": "Web Training", "postalCode": "" , "addressCountry": "DE" } } }
Course number : --

CODESYS 3.5 with ETHERNET and MODBUS | Webtraining

Target group

Technical trained WAGO customers who want to use a PFC or CC100 in an ethernet network to communicate with other devices.


Basic knowledge of CODESYS 3.5 (example: from a basic training), English language skills


  • Commissioning of a controller in a network
  • Basics of network communication
  • Data exchange with the MODBUS protocol / Network variables
  • Tasksystem
  • Sending process values to a OPC UA client



Latest CODESYS 3.5 version installed.


Stable internet connection and telephone / PC-micro and loudspeaker.
Join 15 minutes before the start time to test your audio!

WAGO Hardware: 2x PFC200 + optional 750-89x


After the web-training you are able to make controllers communicate process data.

Maximum number of participants

Course number: --
CODESYS 3.5 with ETHERNET and MODBUS | Webtraining

Schedule details

From 09:00 AM  - 02:30 PM CET

Depending on country, costs can be required

Web Training